There once was a creature, and this creature was standing next to a coffin and a cat in the middle of a desert. The creature had multiple limbs protruding from its body and hair in small patches all around itself. It also had lots of holes on its body with some of the holes filled in with fleshy things.
This creature looked up and said "I love you!". The creature then looked strait ahead and then said "This is gonna be fun!". The cat just stood and watched, its tail swaying side to side like a living metronome. The creature then walked in a circle around the coffin. The creature then stepped into the coffin, it lay itself down and said "That was..." and died.
The cat sat there in the wind for a few moments and walked over to the coffin. It got up inside and ate the corpse of the creature.
The cat stepped out of the coffin leaving nothing but a skeleton. The cat went to the spot where the creature was and sat down.
The cat just sat there tail swaying and looking strait ahead. the cat sat there for a few minuets and died.
And then there was nothing.