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"LEA NO!" 



That was the sound of my sister getting killed. That was the moment that changed my life.                                     


We had just been to the park. Lea really wanted to go and Mum said we both could do with some exercise. At first I protested, but in the end, I gave in. Then Lea said she wanted to take her scooter. She moaned and moaned, and I said yes. It wasn't to make Lea happy. It was because I was selfish and I wanted a go on her scooter. But I wouldn't tell her that.  We had a good time at the park and we made our way home. Lea was on her scooter. And that's when it happened. 

We took her to hospital but there was nothing they could do. She was gone. She was gone forever and she was never coming back. My sweet little sister. Killed in a second. It was all my fault. Now Lea's gone and my family are splitting apart. All thanks to me.

It's not the same without Lea and it never will be. Dad's dating another woman and Mum just can't take it. She's always bursting into tears. Now there's nothing I can do. But I could of done something then. I could of refused to let Lea take her scooter. But I was selfish.


I walk into the kitchen. Mum's crying again. I comfort her, as usual. "Awww Mum don't cry." Then she criticises Dad, as usual. "It's his fault. I'm so sorry Louis. I'm sorry you have such a bad life." I go to school. I am early so I sit in the classroom, alone for half an hour. Suddenly, Ms Lodger bursts in. She sees me with my head in my hands. "Louis? Are you alright? Is it your sister? I'm sorry Louis. It's alright. Do you want to stay for afterschool club later?" I look away, being rude, but I can't help it. I can't look at her. I'll burst into tears. "I understand." She walks out. Straight after Carl walks in. "Having time to weep in here are you? Need time alone do we? Do you miss your Mummy? Or are you sad cos your baby sister ain't here to save you this time? Huh? Huh?" He pushes my chair as he walks by. I can't take it. I can't hold it in. I stand up and walk over to him. I push him against the wall real hard. "DO NOT TALK ABOUT MY SISTER IN THAT WAY!" I roar. I am really angry now. Sweat drips down my face. Or is that a tear? He punches me. Whatever that drip was it is now followed by blood. My nose is bleeding. I kick him in the knee. He swears and pushes me over. I get up and leave the room. As soon as I am out I start to cry.

I leave the school. A teacher shouts after me but I carry on walking. I go home and go upstairs. Mum is out. Dad is at home with Pauline. They shouldn't be here. I don"t care. I don't care about anything anymore. I sulk in my room. I get my picture of Lea and smash it on the floor. "It's all your fault!" I shout.   I throw myself onto the floor immediatley and pick up th pieces of glass and the photo. I kiss it. "What have I done?"I weep and weep. My nose starts to bleed again. "You're so much better than me. If you can't live why should I?" The door opens. Dad stomps in. "What do you think you're doing?" He shouts. He sees the photo. "You stupid boy! Stupid! You're gonna stay in here for a week! You bloody idiot! Look what you've done!" I stare. I don't know what to say. He slams the door closed and locks it. I cry into my pillow for hours. I head to the window. It's over. I try to open the window but it is stuck. Eventually it opens. I climb up and slowly look down. My bedroom is on the top floor. I think it would do the job. Dad wouldn't notice. He thinks I'm locked in my room so he wouldn't have time to save me. I hold my breath. 3....2......1.........jump.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2012 ⏰

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