The End is the Beginning

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Those first moments with that person you feel is "The One" are always warm and inviting, so pure. The conversations you share with them always make your day, leave you with a smile on your face, draw you in and make you wish for more. The smallest things they do become your strongest obsessions and the greatest, most interesting part of your day. You lose sight of everything else in the world, and get used to forming your day around them, what would you do without them? It's not a thing you wanna think about... But then...

Cut off, distanced, or forbidden, one way or another you lose them...

The worst feeling in the world washes over you, "Why?! Why did this have to happen to me?!" Too soon, why couldn't it have held off til a time in the very distant future? Even if it did it'd still be too soon. "If I just hadn't-" You end up regretting things you think caused it, your mind holds you captive in a dark, cold cell, and your hope of getting them back fades more and more. You lost a huge part of your life, you think about the future you once had planned out, all the warm fuzzy thoughts and things that made up those days,

In that moment all warmth is lost, along with everything else, incomplete and broken...


(A tribute for someone in particular... I hope they can see this, it'd be that much more painful if they can't...)

Warmth is gone (one-shot)Where stories live. Discover now