Sisters Grimm Oneshots

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Sabrina looked at the small plastic test she held in her hand. It was definitely positive. And she'd taken two more before, just to be sure. There was no doubt about it.

Now she just had to tell Puck.

She dialed his cell phone number. He didn't pick up, which made it easier. This way she could just say, "Honey? It's Sabrina. I've got something important to tell you. Meet me at the park after you get off work? If you can't make it, tell me so I don't sit out there for hours like last time."

She hung up the landline and decided she'd better find her phone. She had a habit of losing it on her days off of work. Daphne had a theory that it was a subconscious attempt to keep from having to deal with people. Sabrina thought that was bunk.

She tossed the test in the trash and left the bathroom for the kitchen- the last place she could remember having her phone.

Half an hour later she'd found her phone in the dirty laundry hamper under a pile of Puck's socks, and she found the message that read Sure. I get off at 4 2day.

So at four, Sabrina was at the park, worrying and waiting for her husband.

She wasn't sure how he'd take it. They hadn't been trying, really. They'd both agreed that it might be best to wait another few years, so that they could work out more of their personality kinks, decide how they wanted to go about it, mature a bit (that was a laugh), get a bigger nest egg saved up... But then again, they hadn't been not trying, either. Maybe she'd wanted it. Maybe she'd been ready. She was twenty-seven, after all. Her biological clock was ticking and all that. But she and Puck had only been married for a little over a year. Was now really the best time?

Well, it was too late now, and Puck was walking towards her, so now she had to figure out the best way to tell him.

"Hey," Puck said, coming up to her as she bounced nervously, "What did you want to-"

Interrupting, Sabrina blurted out, "I'm pregnant."

Well, that definitely hadn't been the best way.

Puck stopped. His jaw sagged open and his eyes glazed over. A minute later he blinked, shook his head, and said, "Sorry, what?"

"I'm pregnant," Sabrina repeated.

"Sabrina, playing jokes is my job, remember?" Puck said, his eyes wide.

"It's not a joke," Sabrina said firmly. "I took three tests, and they all came out positive. I'm having a baby, Puck."

"But... we don't know anything about babies!" Puck protested. "The youngest person I've dealt with in the past millenium was two! What do you do with a baby?"

"We have eight months to figure that out," Sabrina said.

"Eight?" Puck asked, confused, "I thought it was nine months..."

"Well it is, but I didn't get pregnant yesterday, Puck," Sabrina said, rolling her eyes.

"You sure?" Puck asked. "'Cause last night-"

"I'm sure," Sabrina interrupted, voice firm. "And I won't explain it all to you 'cause you really don't want to know, but trust me."

"All right," Puck said, rolling his eyes. "So... what do we do now?"

"We go to the lady doctor and make ourselves an appointment, and then we go to the library and get out stuff on parenting," Sabrina said.

"Then what?" Puck asked.

Sabrina smiled and kissed her husband on the cheek, running her hand up and down his arm. "Then we celebrate."

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