Last Friday Night

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Honestly, I had no idea what would happen in that closet, and no one had told me about it. My friends from soccer never attended the party, they all said their parents wouldn't let them. I had to ask Jake, Jasper, or Emily what had happened in there. They were the only students at that party I could really trust.

Kendra was the basic female dog of the school if you know what I mean. If you've watched Mean Girls, then she's Regina. If you've watched any movie related to High School, she's the girl who was at the top of the food chain at day one. Even in sixth grade, she acted like she had everything anyone has ever dreamed of, and that's saying a lot since there's a lot of items in this world and a lot of people who are dreamers. I knew I couldn't trust her, if I had one hint of jealousy in that conversation, she would tell the whole school I'm in love with Jake. We all know I definitely do NOT want that happening.

Tyler was the master of sarcasm, and he was a real jerk sometimes. He was the kid who would never pay attention to class and talk the whole time, but somehow he managed to get good grades. He was in the advanced math class with Jake and me, and he was never surprised when he got an S in every class in citizenship. The only friends he got were the people who laughed at his jokes and the students who were jealous of his good looks. I'm not saying that I like him too, I'm just saying that he's not the worst looking student in GHHS, not even close.

I guess I could ask Mia, she is not the type of girl to spread rumors or gossip. She was pretty and wore glasses all the time, ya know those square frames that the nerds in the movies wear? The only thing is, she isn't a nerd, in fact, she moaned once when the teacher told us the homework, and it was very noticeable too. She had to be at that party, she would not seem like the person to complete homework early.

I walked through the hallways in a desperate rush to find Mia. I had no idea where her locker was, and there were so many students attending, my little search could take all lunch. I just hope that I find her before the bell rings, cause I can't afford to skip a History test so I can peer into every classroom door looking for her.
I rounded the corner and there she was! She was inches away from Mr. Johnson's classroom door. She must have had something to ask him before the fifth period. I eagerly went past the students who were by their lockers, and I was just about to call her name when a Junior banged into me, hard. I fell to the floor and they just continued walking as if nothing happened! In the process, I dropped all of my stuff. My purple Science binder was kicked by a Freshmen to the other side of the halls. I guess most of the students were part of a huge, freshman friend group because all of them left at the same time and some turned their heads to chuckle at me. Right then and there I wanted to yell curse words at them, but I knew I could get in serious trouble if I even muttered one of those words. I thought of all of the possible insults to give to the students in my head as I rushed to pick up my stuff. By the time I had picked up all of my stuff, the halls were almost empty except for a few seniors playing on their phones in the corner of classroom 87.
"MIA!" I yelled frantically, but she was nowhere to be seen.

"Language!" A noon aid had said as she patrolled the halls.

"Sorry!" I yelled back to her as I turned a corner.

I spotted Mia heading down a long hallway leading to the Tech Lab. I sprinted down the halls only focusing on the back of her sweatshirt as I tried to catch my breath. I noticed that today she was wearing a green faded Aeropostale sweatshirt and American Eagle skinny jeans.

Just then the bell rang, and I was left hopelessly in the middle of a barely recognized hallway as students shuffled past me to get to their fifth periods. If I really wanted to know what had happened that night, I would have to ask the person I trusted the most, Jake. 

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