Wooden floors

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             Chapter 1
Sitting on the stone cold floor from my fire place, staring at the darkness of the street from my living room window, looking at a trail of wet foot prints on my front porch. I had headphones on listening to nothing but the rain & thunder, hair in a bun, a pencil on my left ear, a dead cactus a tissue box & college applications keeping me company. I had so many things on my mind, should I be thinking about college or should I just live with 50 golden retrievers? But I was really thinking about ordering a pizza just for myself. Jessie, that's my name. The girl who lives in a "quiet" neighborhood, dark brown hair, Blue eyes & with a big personality. Creak.

"Jessie, wait up!" Bryan yelled across the hall. I turn around with my big blue eyes wide open, surprised. He continued, "I thought you weren't gonna come to school today?", I stopped as I felt obligated to speak to Bryan as I waited 5 seconds to look up at him then I said " Yeah, I wasn't but... I wasn't gonna feel well staying home all day either...". Bryan just took a deep breath & let it out slowly, it seemed like he wanted to tell me something, he felt guilty & I could see it in his eyes. Bryan was my boyfriend, for 2 years, a football player, smart guy, really tall, blonde, girls a my school would talk to him all the time, he would talk to them more than he did with me, we would fight a lot, & I got tired of it.

Chapter 2
My last class of the day, & it was math, Friday the 13th to be exact. The only class I had with my best friend Chaney, red head, tall, with green eyes, that's my best friend. Even though we didn't sit next to each other because Mr. Mendez separated us, because we "talked" to much, we would send each other texts during class.
I got there first than Chaney that day, so I sat down, & put my head on the desk & just thought about all the homework i got to do, my seat was next to a window, rain drops appeared slowly, so I could see a storm coming. Mr. Mendez came in soaking wet, "Students, we were going to have a pop quiz, I know you are going to get sad but I dropped them in the rain... so today we are just going to tell stories! Who wants to start?" The door opened & everyone turned to see who was there, It was Principal Dany, "Students, We know it's your last class, but I came to inform you all that you have to stay another hour until the rain calms down, we are trying to reach out to your parents, they will know you are safe & if your parents come early, you guys can leave". I looked around, thinking Chaney was there, she wasn't, I nudged this girl next to me & I said, " Hey, have you seen Chaney? I know you guys have Biology together" The girl said, "No, didn't see her today". It was unusual for Chaney to not go to school. By the way the girls names is Lilly.

Chapter 3
                My alarm goes off on a Sunday morning, & now I was awake at 6 am, I must of put Sunday & not Monday on my phone alarm.  I stared at my roof for 15 minuets & i remembered I haven't talked to Chaney since Thursday. I go on my phone & sent her a "Bitch where r u?" text. I knew she wasn't going to answer at that time of the day, so I waited.
No response all day, It was to weird, I sat in my living room floor doing homework while my mom was in the kitchen making dinner. I heard my phone vibrate & the phone turns on, I put down my book & reach for my phone on the edge of the coffee table. I was to lazy to get up, so I stretched my short arms to get it, right when I got it, it hung up.
I checked to see who had called me & it said Blocked ID, weird. Right when I put my phone down on the table, the door bell rings. My mom cleaning her hands with a cloth, peaks to the living room & asks, "Are you expecting someone?" I looked at her & said no. I unlock the door & see no one there, you can just hear the rain drops & a car passing by. I closed the door & went back to studying. As I was about to write, a message pops on my phone, I peak to see what to see it was, "Jess! Food is ready! Call your dad & your brother!" My mom scared the hell out of me.

Chapter 4
Alarm going off at 6 am, I wipe my eyes & stay there looking at the roof, I didn't want to get up. I put my slippers & robe on, I got my stuff & went to the bathroom, the bathroom door was locked & so I knocked, I knew my mom & dad work super early so I was alone with my brother in the house... then I knocked again, "Jaden! Are you in there!?", no response.
Finally after 5 minuets of knocking he answers. "Use the other bathroom!" I rolled my eyes, I went downstairs, the entrance door was half way opened, I got so scared my heart started beating so fast. At first I thought my dad must of left the door like that, but then I thought what if there is someone inside the house? I ran back upstairs & knocked on the bathroom door like crazy. Jaden finally opens the door &  barged inside the bathroom & told him "Did you leave the door open? Did dad leave the door open!? Why is the door open? What if some-" "Jess calm down! I'll go check" I sat on the toilet seat & waited for him to come back.
He came back 2 minuets later & said, "no ones here don't worry, let's just not tell mom, okay? they didn't steal anything", I looked at him still shaking.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2017 ⏰

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