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From: J.Wilson@PHPTA.org

To: CC;PTA (N.Garner@PHPTA.org,J.Newton@PHPTA.org,J.Wilson@PHPTA.org,T.Stockton@PHPTA.org,S.Grace@PHPTA.org,M.Todd@PHPTA.org)


Hi everyone!

Letting everyone know that the bake sale went incredibly well! We raised a lot of money for school funding next term!

A special thank you to Tracy for the extra cookies and also to Nancy for the healthy vegetarian option of veggie tarts! Surprisingly the kids loved them, I even saw some parents going back for more LOL

Thanks again to all the parents that participated!



From: J.Newton@PHPTA.org

To: re:CC;PTA


So glad it went do well!

<3 Jennifer 


From: M.Todd@PHPTA.org

To: re:CC;PTA


Glad to hear things went well.

Sorry I wasn't there to help with sales, hope Stefan wasn't too much of a pain.

We should plan a playdate down on the beach soon, i'm sure the hubbies would love to get grilling.


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