From: Janis
A few kids collapsed today in school, they are currently in the ICU. All the parents have been notified but I suggest you make sure your kids are alright and keep a close eye on them today and tomorrow.
From: Tracy
To: re:CC;PTA
While we are on this chain, There has been more and more birds swooping this season, even though I didn't think we had a swooping season here!
They nicked my kid today so just be careful
From: Nancy
To: re:CC;PTA
You're stupid if you think those were birds.
From: Tracy
To: re:CC;PTA
I know you kid has been sick, Nancy, but I think you need to try and take a nap. Maybe drink some tea
The Smallest House in Pleasant Hill [COMPLETE/1st Draft]
HorrorThings in Pleasant Hill are...pleasant. Do you think you can figure out why these moms see nothing wrong with the life they are living and the children they are raising? Can you tie everything back to that one place where it all begins? Give it a t...