Hope you enjoy.

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You were laying on your bed, listening to MCR's "Helena" song while you were waiting for your friend to pick you up. At the beginning of summer, you and your friend had planned a road trip and finally had scheduled when you were leaving, which was today. You had already packed your things and called your friend who had informed you that she/he would be at your place in 20 minutes.
After listening to a few more songs, you heard the doorbell ring. You took a hold of your bags which contained your clothes, a Nintendo 3DS and your art supplies. When you were younger, your classmates always made fun of you because of because of your love for art, they called it gay and stupid. Too bad for them, now you are a successful art student at an art college.
As you were running downstairs, you could hear your friend honking the car's horn and calling for your name. Your friend was just about to get out of their car to get you when you slammed the door open, striked a pose and yelled:
"I am here and I am queer!"
Your friend laughed silently and told you to get in the car before they would drive off without you, you threw your bags in to the trunk of the car and got in.
"You ready for the best road trip of our lives?"
Your friend asked, glancing at you while starting the car.
"You mean the first road trip of our lives?"
You commented while plucking in the seatbelt and taking a CD out of your smaller bag. Your friend chuckled and started driving while you put the CD in the player and turned the volume up.

After five hours of driving both of you started to get a little tired and decided to stop to a small area so you could get a few hours of sleep and then continue driving in the morning. You were staring at a map and noticed a town that should be near you.
"Hey, there's a small town near us, I bet we could stay there for the night."
"Huh, are you sure? My navigator doesn't show a town..."
Your friend told you, you showed the map to them. They eyed the map for a moment, shrugged and trusted you. After a few minutes of driving you arrived to the town, your friend was concerned about how empty it looked. You decided to mention that it was almost 11pm so it wasn't a surprise, your friend agreed and drove a little further in to the town.
"Look, there's a gas station. Maybe someone's in there."
You pointed at the gas station.
"I don't know (Y/N), it looks as empty as the whole town..."
Your friend replied, you two had a small "argument" about the subject but ended up parking to the gas station's parking lot. You were the first one to step out of the car, you stretched your legs and arms with a smile and turned to look at your friend.
"You sure you're not coming?"
"To that place? Dude, no."
Your friend answered your question and crossed their arms, you shrugged it off and walked in to the gas station.
"Hello? Anyone here?"
You cooed as you stepped in, the sound of the door closing caused you to jump a little. Your friend was right, this place was pretty creepy... After not receiving an answer, you decided to look around a bit. A minute or two had passed when you heard the door open, you assumed it was your friend so you skipped from the back room to the other room.
"Heeeey (Y/B/F)-"
"What are you doing here kid..?"
You heard a male voice which caused you to open your eyes which you had closed for a few seconds. Looking up you saw a tall man who was wearing a jumpsuit and a cap.
"S-sorry.. I was just looking for uh... I and my friend need a place to stay and t-the lights were on so I thought someone was in there..."
You explain to the guy, your social anxiety had started to show up at the worst moment.
"And you decided to come in even though you saw that nobody was in here?"
He questioned with a pissed look on his face, you understood why since you'd probably be pissed off too if someone just randomly walked into your working place while you weren't there. I mean, at least you guessed he worked there.. You apologized and surprisingly he forgave you, after this you decided to ask if there were any hotels in the town or anything like that. The man unfortunately told you that were no hotels nearby but he offered for you and your friend to stay at his place which was near. At first you were suspicious but you shrugged it off since he seemed like a nice man, you ran out and over to the car to inform your friend.
"So you are going to trust a stranger?"
Your friend asked, she/he raised her/his eyebrow and glared at you. You explained that there were no hotels nearby and that it was your only choice at the moment since both of you were too tired to drive. Your friend sighed, giving up and got out of the car.
"But if he starts to act strangely, I am out."
She/he noted and took one bag back out of the trunk, you nodded and slammed the trunk shut after you had taken your bags out. The man had closed the gas station and walked out, you caught your friend staring at the guy in a strange way. You shook your hand in front of their eyes and said:
"Hellooo, (Y/B/F). Anyone home?"
This is when they snapped out of their thoughts and slightly blushed, you gave her/him a confused look. She/he coughed and ran over to the man.
"Come on (Y/N)!"
She/he yelled, you smiled and ran after her/him.

Vincent Sinclair x male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now