Explaining the charaters

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Edd- A troubled teen in a highschool in Netherlands, he often gets into trouble but tries to be a good student but fails epically

Tom-Quiet,keeps to himself, is in a lower grade than edd and tends to zone out during class due to him getting bored easily

Matt- Hates his body,wishes he was dead often downgrades him self, gets pushed around alit for not being tuff enough or cool enough

Tord-A transfer student who doesn't like any contact with edd,matt,or Tom....he didn't like those three at all! He wished they were dead ....rude...cocky

Patryck: Happy,biopolar, is friends with tord and tries to check on him like a friend would, but tord constantly pushes Patryck away

Paul: Always frustrated, has to take anti depressants ....is aquatinted with tord and patryck,often skips gym and running class,is acquainted with yuu

Yuu: nice,sweet,a soft unless you fuck with him,he can turn tables and be strict,is acquainted with Paul,he hates smoke and his eyes tear up when exposed to smoke

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2017 ⏰

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