Shownu's obsession

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"Shownu hyung ... hyung...Shownu hyung... what were these mess?" Kihyun called the leader with the unhide angry in his voice.

       After coming home from the magazine shooting with Minhyuk, Kihyun went to the kitchen and realized that his favourite place were destroyed by the 7 empty pizza boxes, 2 boxes of fried chicken and 5 milk tea cups on the table. Especially, the big pile of dirty dishes in the sink made him became more angry.

"Calm down calm down Kihyun ah, I'll clean them right away" The leader immediately went out his bedroom when hearing Kihyun question, while the other 4 members, except Minhyuk was getting shower, were playing games together in the living room. Shownu wondered himself why he's always a person cleaning up all the mess after every meals. Why not Wonho, the other elder or their maknae Changkyun? These two are absolutely the messiest.


"Shownu hyung....hyung... Shownu hyung...why didn't you put your clothes in closet? " Kihyun asked Shownu when seeing the elder's clothes piled up on his bed.

"A, I forgot. I'll do later Kihyunnie" Shownu answered from the bathroom, he was shaving, and thanks God, he didn't make any mistakes on his face although he actually startled because of Kihyun's voice. Why, again this little person can say loudly like that?


"Hyung, Shownu hyung..."

"I'm here. What's happened? "

"You ate ramen last night, didn't you? What!!! 5 packs of ramen!! Seriously?? Hyung...You know eating them too much will not good for your health" Kihyun saw the ramen package on the basket, he has known that Shownu secretly eat this unhealthy food again.

"I know, just because I was too hungry... "

"Despite of your hunger, you shouldn't eat that, you must think about your needs health first...and you..."

     Shownu felt a little bit headache as Kihyun complains too much and too fast. He knew that he should stop this younger brother to help himself escaping from his nagging.


"STOP!!!...I SAY STOP.."

       Kihyun startled by the leader's angry shout. Although this was not the first time the elder became mad at him as he saw once before when Shownu reacted to his savage jokes, but this time was totally different, which made Kihyun didn't know how to react. His gut reaction was standing constantly, looking at Shownu's eyes with the surprise and nervous.

"Kihyun ah...sometimes I'm scared of you...when you call my name... I'm really nervous and.. well, tired too as I know for sure that you're going to complain or nag me. You might not realize that I awfully hate them, so please.. I need you to let go of me...stop call me. It makes me more depressed.. Please... Don't bother me.. "

"Ah...I...I...know...sorry ..hyung. I won't disturb you anymore..." After that, Kihyun immediately ran away without giving him any glance, letting Shownu standing alone in the kitchen.

"Was I do something wrong??". The leader asked himself when recognizing Kihyun's teary eyes.


       Kihyun is really sad, his beloved brother depresses because of him. He didn't realize that all his complain affected negatively to Shownu like that. He feels guilty and sad. However, life is still going on...

"Minhyuk ah, wake Shownu hyung up, we have to prepare for the shooting now"

"Minhyuk, I've told you to tidy up your room, put all clothes in the closet, hurry!!! put your as* up" (Minhyuk and Shownu now are roommate)

"Minhyuk ah, what is the mess of food on the table? CLEAN UP... RIGHT NOW"

"Minhyuk ah, where is Shownu hyung? Ask him whether he dines out with us "

"Minhyuk .."


"Shownu hyung, I know you and your tiny lover are having some conflicts...But please, I'm not you two "cannon-fodder", go and solve your issue hyung, I can't bear his voice any longer.."

      It will be definitely a lie if Shownu told he didn't miss the way Kihyun call him every morning to just wake him up or complain about the mess in his kitchen and his room as before. This kinds of situation has occurred for about a week, Kihyun didn't disturb Shownu like what he had promised in the kitchen. Therefore, instead of calling the leader, he called Minhyuk as an alternative person- a reluctant communicator who took the responsibility for delivering what he wants to say with Shownu.

       To be honest, Shownu even felt relaxed and relieved in some first days of the "war". A day without the main vocal's disturbance was such amazing...Nobody tells him must do or must not do anything...No nagging. No complain. That was such amazing...

       However, this feeling didn't last long... In the next days, Shownu began feeling bleak... , he missed Kihyun so much, he missed the attentive eyesight Kihyun made when they held the conversation ... the adorable and bright smile...the talks they always made before going to bed... the way Kihyun remind him wearing more clothes to keep warm in the cold weather..., even the nagging Kihyun gave him every day. He finally realized all Kihyun's daily reminders have aimed to take good care to him and other members, and as the leader, why he let the younger to worry about too much things like this... he felt extremely guilty. In addition, Minhyuk, whom Shownu knew that he need to make an apology, can't continually suffer this kind of situation. ... Shownu thought he will definitely go crazy if Kihyun still attempted to ignore him... This problem must be stop immediately.

"Kihyun, we need to talk!"

     Before Kihyun answered to the sudden offer, the leader had pulled him to his bedroom.

"Ah..hy..hyung what do you want? I didn't call you as you said"

       Shownu quickly put a kiss on Kihyun's lips, tried to prevent him completing the whole sentence, saw the blushes on the younger's cheek, smelt the familiar scent on his neck. Shownu hands slid to Kihyun's hip during the lip locking. Their kiss will keep on if Kihyun didn't give consecutive hits on Shownu's back.

"STOP.. I say stop.. Yoo Kihyun... You shouldn't treat me like that... I'm so sorry...I didn't mean that when telling you're a trouble....I just...I didn't realize your care to me...You just want the best things for me... I'm sorry..."


"I knew you have been sad because of me...I knew...but I can't suffer the time without you're beside me... Can you accept my apology, Kihyunie?"

"Yah...You.... idiot...But since you have recognized these things, yeah..well I accepted" Kihyun answered with his cute smile as usual.

"Thank you my Kihyunie...But now we must do some activities"

"What do you mean about activities?"

"These, on this bed..."  Shownu threw Kihyun on his bed, kissed him passionately, on his lips, his sexy collarbone...He quickly took off his shirt and also his lover's, his hands slightly pulled Kihyun's pants down...

"Shownu hyung...Shownu hyung...stop!!! you're so smelly, take a shower first!!!"


Well... Shownu still hates Kihyun's nagging.. .sometimes.


P/s: I know it's quite late ><, but Merry Christmas, everyone^^ 

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