A Killers Heart. (A vampire academy Fan-Fic)

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Welcome fellow wattpaders! This story takes place after Blood Promise. 

Instead of getting away, Demitri changed Rose.

 I changed it up a lot so feel free to ask me any questions! :)

Disclaimer: I don't own some of the characters.....Richelle Mead does. 

Chapter one:  Dangerous Rose.

I woke up with my throat burning. I ground as I opened my eyes and gasped. Everything was so much..clearer. I could see the folds and bubbles in the concrete walls. I also could smell...everything. I sneezed and frowned. What has happened to me? I thought. Suddenly, I herd foot steeps down the hall. I stared at the door until it opened. And what I saw startled me. It was my comrade. Demitri. It came back to me slowly.

I ran, as fast as I could. He was behind me, gaining on me. He was going to kill me. There was no second chance for me now. After all, I stabbed him in the CHEST with a make-shift STEAK. I could  at least be gratefully that he would not turn me into a strigoi now. I could die knowing I would not be a blood thirsty monster. I could not live with that. But I would die knowing Demitri, the man I loved, was a monster. He was stuck in a soulless body.                                                                                                                                           "Roza! I am not going to hurt you! Stop!" Yelled Demitri. Lies. I snorted. 

"I don't think so!" I yelled back as I jumped over the bridge. I grunted as something cout my wrist. I cursed. As he pulled me up and held me in an iron grip.

"I love you, Roza." He said as he oped up his mouth. His glistening fangs showing.  I screamed as he bit into my  neck. Then quickly quieted as the drug in his saliva took efect.

"You are going to be so POWERFUL, my love. I'll be here when you awaken."

That was the last thing I heard before I passed out.

"What did you DO?!" I yelled as I ran toward him. I easily knocked him down. And he quickly got up.

"Roza, I awakend you. Please, calm down."

I looked at him and sighed. What was I going to do now?

"Come away with me. We can go anywhere you like. Live with humans if that's what you want."

I ignored him and walked to the mirror that was on the far wall. I looked at myself. My long, dark brown hair was wavy. And a little longer. It was also allot healthier looking. Shinny. What surprised me most was my skin and eyes. My eyes where usually a pretty chocolate brown. No, not anymore. A strigoi would have red rings around there natural color. But that was not the case either. My eyes were an unnatural ice blue with silver around the iris and purple. My skin had not changed, except for that it was softer, and a lot stronger.

I looked at Dimitri. "What am I?" I whispered.

He ran his hand through his black hair. "I don't know, Roza. You are unique."

Unique? I was a monster. The love of my life turned me into a sou less monster. But there's no going back now. I could not go back to the academy. Could not go back to.....LISSA. I could still feel her emotions. She was scared, she was very very angery. And she felt hope...over getting me back..I quickly slipped into her head.

She was sitting in a car next to her was Christian..naturally. Across from her was Adrian, Eddie, Mia...and...My mom and dad? In the drivers set was a man I did not know. A dhampir at the looks of him. He had messy hair to his chin and bright emerald green eyes. He was...just GORGEOUS. 

"We are almost there." He said in a very deep, and silky voice. Lissa was shacking. She was scared and nevese...Angery and she felt hope. 

"Don't worry, Lissa. We will get her back." Said Christan. 

"We are there." Said mystery boy pulling out a steak. "Lets get um'."

I slipped out of her head quickly. Dimitri had my shoulders in his hands and he was shaking me gently.

"Roza, Roza!"

"Easy!" I snapped at him pulling away from him. "I have to go Demitri! They are here!"

His dark brown eyes widdened. "Who?" 

"Lissa...And some other people. They plan to kill you!"

I made up my mind. I did not want anything to do with him. This is not my Demirti....Demitri is gone..and soon, I will be gone to. I would get away, then kill him. If I could.

Suddenly the door burst open to reveal Lissa.

"Rose!?" I ran to her and gave her a hug. I missed her so damn much. My best friend. Then..BAM. something struck me in the back. it went through my heart. A silver steak..I could not believe it. They killed me. I feel to the floor in a heap. Darkness took me into its cold hold.

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