Sucker Punch My Heart.

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'Kay, so, hello. This is Pharos and the following text is the prologue of my first story. This is called Sucker Punch My HEart. Anyway, I know my English and grammar are sloppy, forgive me, I just got used to writing that way. I'm sad about it too. Anyway, I hope you like it.


Prologue: Thanks a lot, Princess.

Not much can be said about the weather when you’re flying hundreds of feet above the Earth, which is why Francheska Avery Deschler – the personification of a factory of sighs if there ever was one – couldn’t help but sigh for the nth time since boarding. Since minutes ago, she had wanted to strike a conversation with the young gentleman seated beside her, and if she were permitted to say words of admiration for the brown-haired stranger, she would probably have blurted out ‘dashing’ without a second thought. But alas, the only conversation starters the sixteen year old brunette knows are from situation comedies, and those were usually chit-chat about the condition of the weather! Sure, she could have commented about the clouds she saw from the window beside her, but an “easily amused kid” impression really isn’t what she was going for.

Usually not one to be willing to converse, Frankie was having a dilemma; both about the stranger and the reason why she was alone on a plane during a schoolday. Her lonely journey to America was causing her to think ridiculous thoughts like wanting human interaction! Regardless though, she once again, intentionally hid her blue eyes under her long, wavy locks to peek at the boy again. With his shoulder-length wavy hair, beautifully light blue eyes, and skin and lips that could make any female jealous; Frankie couldn’t help but wonder if the man clad in a gray suit with a black collar-shirt underneath was Narcissus resurrected to Earth to bring joy and happy eye-candy to mortal women everywhere. Compared to his elegant way of bringing himself, Frankie looked like a kindergartner in her orange “Totally Awesome” tank and white skinny jeans – and an estrogen-lacking one at that.

Lost in the world of her envy-fueled thoughts, Frankie hadn’t noticed that the Greek god next to her was returning her gaze. ”Something wrong?” he asked casually as a smirk formed on his lips causing Frankie’s feeble heart to throb as though it wanted to escape the prison that was her ribcage. Did I say joy to mortal women? No, no! This man is an enemy to all women!Flabbergasted, she nervously shook her head ‘no’, much to the amusement of her companion. He smirked again and leaned closer, their faces inches apart, ”Tell me then. What’s a lady like you doing on a plane ride to America by herself?” whether it was his voice filled with mock-concern or the way his eyes held hers, something about him made Frankie want to spill out every secret she’s hiding within her.

”I’m attending school there. I’m just about to move from Nottingham.” she said, the hype of moments before gone, and her usual indifference – or was it more disinterest than indifference? – taking over. She presumed it was the mention of home that brought her back to her senses. She was on her way abroad to study, not flirt, least of all not on an airplane! ”My grandfather had arranged for me to transfer sometime last month.” she continued, her eyes not leaving the man’s gaze. His crystal-like eyes were bewitching, but it would take more than pretty, blue eyes to win her over. Or so she thought.

The stranger gave a knowing smile and the slight glimmer in his eyes tell her that he had already guessed what her story would be about. ”Ah, from the looks of it, I’m assuming you’re some rich girl trying to gain respect from the man in power in your family; your granddad.” he said, with a mixture of concern and venom. He was right, of course he was right. He was as intuitive as Frankie, how could he not be right? She was expecting this, wasn’t she? Though, hearing it phrased like that and with such ill-intent, she felt like her pride and dignity were stripped off of her. It was the truth but that doesn’t mean he had to know it. She scoffed,”Unlike you, I don’t have family problems.” she said, rolling her eyes and looking away.

There was a moment of silence and Frankie had thought she had won and the conversation was over. She casually glimpsed at the man again, he had covered his mouth with his hand to suppress a laugh. “Bullshit, princess.” he said, a ‘tch’ sound escaping his lips afterward. “You’re just a tool in the politics of the rich and famous. Haven’t you even considered why your parents didn’t step in when he decided that? Or are you gonna’ tell me some sob story about how you’re grandfather’s the only one you have left?” If the quiet laugh was no indication that his sick humor found her situation amusing, she could definitely see it in his eyes.

”Oh, get a conscience and shove it up your arse!” she exclaimed, not loud enough to alarm the other passengers, but loud enough for it to betray her anger. Frankie didn’t usually have a short fuse but as with most people, her “berserk switch” lay in her family and friends – it also turned on if you wake her up but that’s not important for now.

The rest of the flight went on with her looking out the window and seeing a permanent smirk on her seatmate’s face whenever she happened to glimpse at him to call for an attendant. Okay, so maybe she does hate her grandfather. Maybe she was angry that she had bent sent out so far from home and her family didn’t object. Maybe she was a tool and that angered her more than anything else but by all means, it wasn’t enough excuse to get her down. She was going to get revenge the only way a teenager such as herself knows how; rebellion. But before that, she had to get revenge on the scum beside her first.

As the plane landed and the passengers were walking that drop-off lane where family member were supposed to pick them up, Frankie caught up to the brown-haired man. She tapped on his shoulder and in the second after he faced her, she punched him in the gut with as much strength as possible. ”Thanks for the company, princess.” she murmured to him with a smirk as evil as his has been, then grabbed her bags and ran for the exit. Thank goodness, that was the last time she’ll see him!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2012 ⏰

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