something we all know about and have, yet is so taboo
fear is inevitable
when asked what's your biggest fear you mutter out a "spiders." "heights" "snakes" or proudly say "nothing" but get defensive when called out
think for a second.
we're all afraid of something.
it's something deeper than spiders, snakes, or heights
if you're scared of spiders or snakes, you're scared of being bit and/or strangled
and if you're scared of being bit or strangled you're scared of pain or death.
and if you say nothing you're scared of the confrontation and not fitting in
we're all scared of something. something deeper
me, i'm scared of people
sounds stupid, right?
well not really. people are all different. we have no control over them, therefore i'm scared of not having control over a situation
i'm scared of what they're capable of, therefore i'm scared of being harmed.
i'm scared of death.
as many times as i scream and shout that i wish i was dead, i'm scared.
you say i'm scared of the dark but really i'm scared of the unknown. what's in the dark? what's hiding? who's there?
and i'm scared of death because i'm scared of the unknown.
what happens after life and death? where do we go?
but when you ask me "what's your biggest fear?" and i say "spiders" "snakes" or "heights"
just know it's deeper than the surface.
poems, shower thoughts, and stuff
Poetryjust random thoughts and non traditional poems