Good Morning.

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... It was a fine evening. Birds chirping could be hear from the distance, and it was merely summer, which meant that it was supposed to be a burning hell - But as it seems, today was an exception. The temperature wasn't cold or hot - A midterm one.
Most people decided to go for a walk rather than the beach today, others just staid home and spent time using their computers or smartphones. After all, society is controlled by technology in some sort of way.
But... There are other people in the world rather than your usual society member.
A boy with dark blue-ish hair, piercing dead yellowish eyes, pale skin and a short female looking stature walked down the streets. Usually they'd be extremely full, but since it was summer, people would go to other places more often.
Standing on the sidewalk, he brought his phone out of his pant's pocket and checked the time. 2pm. After he was done taking a look at it, he proceeded to put it back in it's original place, crossing the street.
He stood in front of a building, looking at the ground for a moment, which resulted on his bangs covering most of his face.
Thoughts enveloped the boy's mind, he felt slightly trapped when he remembered the reason he visited this hospital everyday, sometimes at the same time, others in other.
As he finally looked up, he gazed at the name of the place.
" Hope Restoration Hospital."
Just the word hope gave him chills, let us not speak about the other word that'd make anyone tremble - Despair.
After the end of the 53rd season of the Killing Game Show, Danganronpa, the survivors had woken up. Apparently, since it was against law, they were put in the Neo World Program, which was basically a virtual reality. It was previously used, and since the damage used to be too big, in the 53rd season they lowered the risk with the help of the team's main engineer, Kazuichi Souda, Ultimate Mechanic.
Lowering the risk made the survivors able to wake up with no signs of pain and such, and the dead people were only put in a coma. According to their damage would mean it'd take more time or less time.
The first people to wake up were Kaede and Rantaro, followed by the others.
But there was one person - The one who experienced the most violent and cruel death that hadn't woken up.
None other than Kokichi Ouma, the Ultimate Supreme Leader. Not only was his death cruel and he made his own trial a giant mess filled with tears, but he made everything happen. First poisoned then crushed to death - He planned until a certain point for sure. He even fooled Maki Harukawa.
He made a work of genius in this killing game, but of course, with luck comes unluck. His death had major consequences to his real body.
The others also had consequences too, but nothing as serious as his case. The other students also experienced different psychological traumas, even developed fear for their weapon of crime, distrusted the others too. Especially Korekiyo Shinguji, Ultimate Folklorist. Let us not even talk about Tsumugi Shirogane, the mastermind. What she did was cruel.
Eventually, everyone worked it out and learnt how to forgive themselves, though, some had more distrust in eachother than the others. But this factor is not important, after all past is past.
Kokichi Ouma was being constantly monitored by Mikan Tsumiki the Ultimate Nurse and Matsuda Yasuke, Ultimate Neurologist. And this hadn't been going for a short period of time - In fact, Ouma had been in a coma for the past 365 days.
A whole year.
The only person that visited him was Saihara Shuuichi. Even though they held past grudges against eachother, they knew that they could get through it anyways. Even if they had past fights, they were still... Friends? Classmates? It was hard to define it when Kokichi himself wasn't awake to assure him.
As he stepped in the hospital, the sounds of machines could be heard from afar. Chit chattering from nurses and a few patients (Though, those were very silent. They had to respect others too in the end.)
As he walked towards the receptionist, she opened a warm smile. By that time, she already knew who he was. Well, most of the crew already knew him. Often they would ask Saihara about how things were going with Akamatsu - Everyone expected them to date, but Shuuichi saw her as nothing else but a friend. She always supported him, so there was nothing wrong with not experiencing love towards her. Besides, she had a crush on Miu (Even though she is like... The weirdest one of them all.).
He and the receptionist chatted a bit, only to end with her giving him a card to go to Kokichi's room and pointing him the directions. He nodded and smiled shyly towards her.
" Thank you, Shizue-san. I hope we can chat again later. "
He spoke quietly as he walked towards Kokichi's room, opening the door only to be greeted by an unusual sight.
The room that was pale white, the only colors being of the monitor's, the flowers that Saihara always left there and Kokichi himself, had now added a new color.
The sun's rays lightened the room with a pale orange mixed with yellow, the sunshine hitting the sleeping Supreme Leader's pale features, that seemed even more visible with the new light.
Though, only half of his body was seen. The lower half was covered by a white sheet, that covered from half of his torso to below, since it was bigger, parts of the cloth lingered on both sides of the bed.
After a year, Ouma's hair had grown longer. It almost hit his shoulders, yet, the hairstyle surprisingly didnt change. His fringe covered almost entirely his face.
On the right side of the mattress laid a comfy chair, which was bought by Saihara himself.
The detective had his eyes wide open, only to shake his head. He was way too shaken with this scenario, it was unusual, but not that special.
He made his way to the chair, sitting down as he looked at the calm expression resting on Kokichi's face.
In that game, there was not a single second where the liar wouldn't exaggerate with his emotions - Either he was grinning evilly, or crying and whining, or angry. How he really felt was still unknown to Saihara.
With a slight frown, Saihara took hold of Kokichi's hand with his own's. He really didn't know why he did that, but... It just felt right.
It really did.
Slowly he inched himself closer to Kokichi's body, still not standing up.
He rested his face with one of his arms, which laid comfortably on the hospital's mattress.
Suddenly, he felt his lips tremble and warm tears slip from his eyes.
Why was he crying? This is weird. This is unusual. He only felt bad for Kokichi, right? Then why did his chest weigh so much? Why was this hurting?
" Kokichi... I-I wonder if you can hear me. Maybe you can.. "
He spoke quietly, fixing his position but still not letting go of the smaller boy's hand. With his sleeves, he wiped his tears away, taking back his composure as he inhaled deeply.
" You know... Everyone is healing slowly from the wounds caused by the killing game. Akamatsu-san is worried about you, and even if the others don't seem to care, they are too. It has been such a long time since we heard your voice... Your lies, your jokes. Even if they pissed me off, I still enjoyed solving the mystery you are. "
Saihara glanced at the window, a warm smile replacing his frown. He remembered the moments in the game and how terrifying it was to fear for his life, but fun to spend time with his classmates.
"..I wish you would wake up. I-I hated the fact that I couldn't figure you out. Remember when I yelled at you saying you'd forever be alone?... I regret. You are not alone. I'm sorry... Did that hurt you, I wonder everyday? Maybe. But.. You know.. What really bugs me... Is will you wake up? Everyone is waiting, Kokichi. Please... Forgive me for leaving you alone when you needed someone.. I'm so sorry. "
He finished speaking, feeling tears well up in his eyes again. Even though the smile was still on his face, his heart hurt.
He slowly lost hope on Kokichi not waking up, but he knew he would not give up on him, no matter what.
Suddenly, something... Peculiar happened.
"... Saihara-chan? "
A voice suddenly spoke.
That voice that he knew better than he knew how to breathe - That pitched voice, with that childish and mysterious tone.. That one that haunted him every day.
His head turned faster than the lightining to look at Kokichi's face.
His eyes were fluttered open, amethyst orbs gazing at him. His expression hadn't changed much, except his eyes were finally open. After an entire year, Kokichi Ouma woke up.
Saihara's eyes widened as he let go of Kokichi's hand, immediately embracing him in a hug.
But before he could tighten him, he heard a loud sob.
The supreme leader yelled, groaning in pain as he pushed Saihara away, letting out a loud yelp as he moved his arms.
His breath was unstable, his whole expression seemed panicked and his eyes were filled with tears.
Shuuichi instantly panicked.
" Ko- Ouma-kun, w-what happened?! I-I'm sorry! "
He spoke, fully anxious. He had completely forgotten that his physical body was still in pain.
Before he could take an action, a few doctors entered the room, and Kokichi was still groaning in pain, his eyes reddening from the tears.
Shuuichi was kicked out of the room.
He'd come back tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2017 ⏰

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