The unexpected encounter in a new world

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Did you ever imagine that your life could change so much in an instant....? like having a somewhat normal life to one that could probably be put in a mental home if you ever told anyone.... well that's what happened when I followed my new friend/housemate into a whole other world.... this is my story so I guess I better start from the beginning...

~the beginning~

I carried the last box into the spare room that I was going to use when I heard my younger sister playing on the soft and, from what I can tell, a super bouncy bed in the other room which caused me to giggle a bit. We didn't have a lot to bring as the bank was holding a lot of our possessions from our old home and will only give them to us when I reached 18... old enough to support me and my sisters in our old home without anyone "taking charge of us" which made me sigh in disappointment of our "past experiences". So as I was saying, when I finished placing the box in the room, I noticed that Kagome, the daughter of who allowed us to rent out the rooms for the time being until I finished high school and get our house back and somewhat became friends with, went into a shed-like building. I followed her to the same building looking confused as to why she would need to go into this thing... but as the curious person I was, I opened the door and ready to call her... when I saw that she was gone... "what the....? where did she go? how does one teenage girl disappear into such a small space??" I take a deep breathe as I realize I was talking to myself... I look down to see an old well and slowly walk down the steps with my hand on my necklace that I always wore, which was an emerald sphere kinda like what Kagome wore but mine wasn't broken and mine was in the middle of a golden rose. As I looked down the well, I got a chilly feeling that it wasn't a normal well... so as I was about to turn around, I heard someone call my name which causes me to jump in fright and of course.... fall to my doom into the well! I closed my eyes, awaiting the pain or... lack of pain...? I opened my eyes to see I was already on the bottom but no marks, no pain and not even any dust on my face?? I looked up to see if the fall was shorter than I thought until my eyes widen to see... the sky?? okay... I must have hit my head so hard that it caused me to not feel the pain AND to see things.... I sighed as the only way to find out was to climb out and see for myself. As I reached the top, I was once again in shock to see what was all around me.... greenery, trees, lakes.... everything BUT THE HOUSE! "WHAT?! okay I'm crazy! where is the damn house?! my sisters?! hell! where's Japan?! no no no no no no this can't be freaking happening! someone?! anyone?!" I called loudly hoping to get someone's attention and to tell me what happened or where the hell I am!

~Kagome's POV~

I was halfway to the village when I heard a shout coming from the well that sounded familiar as I glance to my side to see Inuyasha was already sniffing the air to see who was yelling however, I was already walking back to the well before he could stop me. I wasn't going to just ignore a call for help especially when it sounded like I knew the girl and it was coming from what we could tell was the well. When we passed the trees surrounding the well, my eyes widen to see Asurozu sitting on the well freaking out which I don't blame her... I tell Inuyasha to stay put as I go and talk to her to explain the situation before she has more of a meltdown. She looked over at me with a look of relief and ran to tackle me in a hug to what I could guess was seeing she knew in this strange new world that she didn't know about. I laughed softly as I pat her back and told her the simple form that this was federal japan and the well connects the two "worlds" even though it's more like timelines. She looked at me like I was crazy but somewhat believed me since there was no better theory to what happened other than her going nuts. I somewhat show her to Inuyasha which she started to laugh and rubbed his ears which... most likely pissed Inuyasha off but I gave him a look to not hurt her.... 

~Asurozu POV~ 

I was so happy to see Kagome for so many reasons like one, she's okay! and two I wasn't alone in whatever this was which I still half didn't believe what she said since that is crazy to process... When she showed me who she called Inuyasha, I couldn't help but laugh at the sight of his ears however I wanted to feel if they were real which they were! "oh my god! these things are real?! ha this is sooo cool and slightly weird" As we walked down to see a village with a bunch of people in older style kimonos and looked down at my dark jeans and a green t-shirt with my sneakers that I wore to move my stuff easily around Kagome's house. I personally still liked my style better even though it wouldn't be considered the prettiest or on trend but it was comfy and easy to move. It wasn't long until I noticed something in the distance that will probably cause me to see a "professional" and have them throw me in the nut house after hearing me talk about it....... a small tornado calling Kagome's name in a manly yet loving, even though it sounded more like a fanboy, voice......


to be continued.... hope you enjoyed this first chapter, I saw that there wasn't a lot of real and long stories with Koga as the main character so.... I thought I would make one (mostly because he is my TOP ANIME CRUSH OF ALLLLL TIME) *ahem* the point is... this story will be a little different from the main Inuyasha story but still have the characters, villain (DUH you need someone to beat up lol) and somewhat of the same storyline in a way.... I, however, did change the plot, not going to say too much cause it will ruin the story lol see ya in the next chapter and if you liked this story then check out my other stories as I always try to make my stories have a good sense of everything that will make the views (and me) happy except for gore or horror, hate that stuff (no offense to anyone who likes it)


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