My name is DJ I have a big big super power .Well it's not so big now that I told you.Butt it does not matter you know why.Everyone on my planet has a super power.Mine are flit,super speed and time travel.pretty cool right .Well I better stop talking and get to class before I'm late.I KNOW WHAT YOUR THINKING WHY AM I YELLING .WELL IN A CLASS OF 34 THERE IS HOLE LOT OF MOTHS MOVING. DJ and there is my teacher MS.Smith her name sounds nice butt she is not.SHUT UP and tack your set today you are tacking your reading CBA (4 hours later) I'm done ok read a book.I just got done reading.Read again. ok SPIDER hand no best hero yes.Page 1 I haven't started read and I'm all ready bored.WHAT shhhhhh is that My dad he has a lot of explaining to do when i get home.And what is he doing with that lady oh I'm telling mom