Blue Eyes (Tommo Series Prequel)

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Dreams can come true, believe me. I would know. When I was thirteen years old, I remember a drama teacher from my school. She told me I would never make it, my dreams weren't realistic she told me. I remember thinking to myself, promising that I would prove her wrong and that's exactly what I'm doing right now.

Just shy of my 19th birthday, and here I was in Beverly Hills partying the night away amongst people I once had plastered all over my walls. Who would have thought that I would be here, and that these people would know who I was.

"Jay!" The voice of my best friend and fellow aspiring actor Tash called out to me. She was already tipsy but that was no surprise to me.

I turned to find her on the arm of not only one, but two models I had seen on the cover of Man Candy magazine this past few months.

"Mmm?" I asked with a crooked smile. She threw her hands in the air clearly overjoyed with delirious excitement.

"Sean here says he thinks you're hot" she said proudly, resting her hands upon my exposed shoulders. I could feel her body weight shift onto me.

"Well that was nice of him..." I still didn't know how to react to such a compliment. Back home in Australia, boys weren't so forward, in fact back in Australia I was somewhat invisible.

"I think he wants to ditch here with you" she told me, looking me in the eyes. I shook my head immediately, there was no way that I was going to be front page news tomorrow. The last thing I needed with my upcoming career was a scandal like this.

"I'm just starting to enjoy myself." I pouted, looking over to the two men who seemed to be content staring at the assets of other women in their sights.

"Maybe we should ditch this place just the two of us. We don't need them," I suggested as an alternative but even I knew that she wasn't buying it.

"Mmmm, maybe later. I want some man candy!" She cheered, grabbing hold of the nearest model and smashing her ruby red lips against his.

I turned from her displays, it wasn't exactly my idea of ideal entertainment. In fact. I wasn't entirely sold on the whole party scene yet, despite what everyone else thought.

My own mother had even taken it upon herself to give me the "safe partying" talk as if I was still in high school, the truth was. I would much rather be home in bed. Watching One Tree Hill reruns, or reading the latest John Green novel. This was not my scene at all.

It was almost 3am by the time I finally crawled into my queen sized personal haven. I was about to drop dead by then, my feet were tortured beyond belief from those six inch heels I had been sporting for at least 10 hours. It was blissful to finally be able to shut off for a few hours.


"Are any places near yours vacant?" My sister Bailey asked urgently. I had been on the phone to my mother for our weekly check in, when my youngest sister had interrupted on the other line.

"What an odd thing to ask" I hummed, my brow creasing at the absurdity. "You planning on moving out here?" I teased, knowing perfectly well that she was a terrible saver and would have no money for such a thing.

"No, I don't think you understand." She said faster than I could register, it took me a moment to even understand what she had said.

"I'm sure I don't. Please explain?"

"One Direction are moving to California. You could meet them, you could be neighbours." I knew at that moment that I had lost her. She was off in the clouds thinking about all the craziest possibilities.

"Well I don't think I will be running into them at the supermarket any time soon, but if I ever run into them at an event. I'll be sure to ask for a photo" I said calmly.

"But just imagine, what if you became mates with them?"

I laughed. "That would be great wouldn't it."


My agent was the reason why I hadn't given up on my dreams, she had always believed in me even when I was finding it hard to believe in myself. For some unknown reason she saw something in me, hope, talent, a future. Who knew? But I will eternally be grateful that she took a chance on me, especially now.

The call had came a month after the encounter with my sister and her One Direction phone call.

This phone call was probably at least slightly better than that one, only slightly because secretly deep down I was sort of excited to share a home with one of the biggest boy bands the world has ever known.

The phone call was the difference between being an aspiring actress and actually being one.

I was no longer Jay the Sydney girl looking for success. I was Jay - a cast member of an upcoming successful abc drama.

To say I was over the moon would be an under exaggeration really.

I was fortunate enough to be at home when the call came, much to my relief and probably the relief to anybody who may have had the opportunity to witness the scene that went down in my living room, there was excessive amounts of crying, and screaming if I am honest. I was what some may describe as crazy.


Lila was unlike Anyone I had ever experienced in my life, she was younger than me but in no way did that show. She was so mature for her age, making me a little insecure myself. She was a child actress, been in the business her whole life. I could probably learn a lot from her and still not know everything she did.

"We are going to be best friends, I just know it." Was the first thing she said to me. And little did we both know, she would be right.

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