9 || Pulling Yourself Together

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"It's over, Cha-Cha!" Y/n called to the black-haired girl who was still weeping over Canopy. Just witnessing the girl cry over something that wasn't human but more human than the species itself made Y/n think what if she had this kind of bond and friendship with Bee? That is if it was what he was okay with... But Canopy was already gone and she claimed that she could fix him. Y/n didn't like this girl's attitude, but ran behind her to tug at Cha-Cha's shoulder for the sake of her life's future. "Come on!"

"No! I can fix him!" She shouts.

The girl who risked her life to save this wannabe hero yells back. "You can't fix him! Canopy is gone! Would he want you to die, too?!"

Cha-Cha stared Y/n in the eyes and finally had a second thought. Y/n is right and everyone involved with this current battle needed to escape without getting snatched or killed. Luckily, the patrolling robot had been destroyed and it gave the girls some relief. Y/n was able to guide the other girl away from Canopy's body and watched her walk toward the boys and Cade Yeager.

Her h/c hair blew in the wind, catching the dirt and particles in the air. Y/n's face is smeared in filth, cuts, and lightly bruised from falling and coming face to face with alien robots. She sighed deeply, then remembered the brightest optics ever that she got to see again. It was as if on cue... Two heavy footsteps came behind her and chills had gone up her entire body, letting the hair on the back of her neck stand up.

Her brave heart beat and if she listened closely, she could hear it. Y/n turns her body slowly in the opposite direction, getting a look at two silver and yellow pedes (feet). They belonged to a proud black and yellow Autobot who towered over her, studying her personality and bravery.

Bee knelt to Y/n with his elbow sitting on his knee, spewing out some buzz-like sounds that came out of his mouthpiece."It's good to see you're safe." Bee buzzed.

Y/n smiled wide. "Me too, Bumblebee." During this face-to-face interaction with Bee, she had some strange and unknown feelings come to not only her mind but her heart. Y/n automatically faced the resting area of a broken-down ship. It's the same contraption she and the boys checked out earlier and whatever was inside it came alive. Her instinct is not to be afraid of anything that comes in her path, so she runs up like it is the neighbor's dog.

Bee wasn't far behind her. He kept a distance from Y/n in case she needed any help. Curiously, he watched her come in contact with the ship and its only passenger.

Y/n climbed up the ship cautiously, trying to not disturb what was inside. She remembered earlier that it didn't try to attack her or the boys. But why? Was it suffering? She got her answer. The girl stepped into the ship's seat, barely sitting in a mechanical humanoid's lap. "Easy..."

The robot dressed in much older armor spoke weakly through his mask. It was a different language. A language Y/n didn't recognize. It isn't close to Spanish, French, or Chinese... Well, it doesn't have any kind of great comparison to any other language in the world.

"Don't worry." She says to the dying individual. "I'm not going to hurt you."

The Transformer did his best to wake himself up from a slow death. He yanked his mask away to reveal his mouth to Y/n. He had major dents and additional damage to his body, and the same green liquid Canopy had when he was dying. It's clear this guy isn't going to be around much longer either.

Green blood?

"Protect from Quin..." He managed to say weakly in English.

Y/n placed one of her hands on the transformer's chest to comfort him. "You don't have to say anything, dude."

The old transformer ignored Y/n's words and he muttered a few more words. She listened to him this time. "Take the..." His chest shifted open for him to pull out a round object. It's nothing Y/n's eyes have ever seen. This thing is dark, printed with various symbols, possibly thousands of years old, and a big 'X' is plastered in the center. "The talisman will protect you."

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