Come On Closer

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[Author's Note: Please excuse any errors, as I usually catch most of them after publication and therefore I will correct them at a future date. This one-shot contains some lyrics to the song "Come On Closer," by Jem. No copyright is being infringed, as I'm using materials under the Fair Use Act, and absolutely no money or profits is being made from this story. All song lyrics and established published story characters from the novel Hemlock Grove, belong to their original & respective owners. However, the plot to this specific story and any original & unrecognizable characters, belong exclusively to me.

Also one more thing, I'm in the process of creating a sequel to this called Make It Count. It should be coming out by the Summer of 2018. Enjoy!] 


Closing time would be approaching soon, and my best friend Roman Godfrey, still had yet to find a girl of his choosing to take home with him for the night. He had been so wound tight from work lately, that I began to wonder if he was going to be alright.

He was one of the youngest billionaires in the world at just 21 years old, plus he now ran Godfrey Industries -- which was recently listed as a Fortune 500 Company by Forbes magazine. Roman was attractive in all the standard ways a lot women look for; gorgeous green eyes, luscious dark brown hair that I would have killed to run my fingers through on a daily basis; porcelain white skin that reminded me of the smoothness of Greek statues -- and not to mention an incredibly attractive face with a muscular frame to boot. Add that in with the fact that he dressed sharper than any man I have ever known, and you had a recipe for a man who could identify as a walking wet dream. However on this occasion, Roman also looked like a man who was running himself into the ground about something.

"How about the leggy blonde in the black dress? She's pretty and right up your alley as far ladies who look like models," I teased lightly, as I pointed her out in a crowd that was relaxing at the end of the bar.

Roman took a look in her direction, before turning back to me and shaking his head. "I'm not feeling the need for someone like her tonight," he mumbled as he picked up his whiskey glass, and took another sip.

"She has nice tits, a lovely ass and she's been checking you out off and on all night. You need to get laid; not look for girls who could end up as a potential Missus Roman Godfrey one day," I chuckled back.

"I should, but I'm not in the mood this evening," he responded with a shrug.

"Fair enough," I agreed, before turning back to face him. "You want another whiskey on the rocks and then we'll head out for the night?"

He nodded his head, as he slowly set down his empty glass on the bar. While I flagged down the bartender and made our final drink order of the night, he stared out over the room as he took in his surroundings. Something was bothering him, but he was keeping awfully quiet on the issue.

"Hey handsome, what's wrong?"

He cracked his first smile of the night at my use of the nickname I had given him. Roman and I had been friends for years. Before Peter Rumancek arrived in Hemlock Grove, it was just Roman and I. Roman was a popular guy in school with all of the ladies, but I was one of the few who seemed immune to his charms at the time. Turns out, the reason I was so immune to his charm was because my mother had placed me under a protection spell thanks to gifting me with a rare golden amulet. As a witch, my mother was well aware, long before I was, about what the Godfrey's really were. Thanks to my immunity to his Upir charms, we did manage to become good friends. It was only several months ago that I stopped wearing the amulet for protection, as I trusted Roman implicitly. In fact, I was friends with his sister Shelly Godfrey before I had really befriended him. Shelly was a couple of years younger than us, and she always came into the ice cream shop my parents owned in town. I adored her, as she was completely different from anyone I had ever known and a beautifully stark contrast from her own family. Over the course of the years though, things had changed with how I viewed Roman. He grew into an amazingly good looking guy and over these past few years, and I found myself looking at him differently. It was only in the past year that I had given him the nickname, and as much as he liked to pretend that he hated it; I knew he secretly loved it. Roman leaned his head onto my shoulder, and whispered something I couldn't quite hear. His closeness caught me off guard for a moment, as we were out in public and he only ever showed me friendly affection of this nature -- privately.

Come On Closer [Roman Godfrey x Reader // One-Shot] Where stories live. Discover now