Chapter 1

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Flashing red and blue lights shone in through the shutters of the apartment that at one time was full of life but now is utterly silent. The wooden floor boards, once clean and flawless, are now painted crimson; a sign of struggled and disaster. Low whispers of the crime scene investigators were the only sounds that could be heard in this sanctum of silence. Every so often there would be clicking, coming from the cameras that were being used to capture the horror that had gone on. Everyone worked silently, so as not to disturb those around them. Two people walked into the apartment and suddenly everyone seemed to relax slightly. The two people, a boy and a girl, walked over to where the body laid. The girl, seeming quite young to be in the investigation field, kneeled down beside the body and examined it. There were no gun shells to be seen around the body but when the girl spoke, her voice revealed just how young she really was and how matter-of-fact she was about the murder.

".45 caliber bullets to the back of the head... sad way to die don't you think, Seth?" She said, pulling the blanket back over the body.

"Obviously someone wanted the poor woman dead, now for why they wanted it..." Seth reached up with his hand and scratched his head, pushing his black bangs slightly out of his eyes. The girl, who was named Seri, stood up and crossed her arms over her chest, thinking deeply. She turned to one of the investigators that worked for her and Seth.

"Find the files on this woman. Her driving records, background on her family and friends, anything that might be relevant to her murder. Do not leave any files untouched." She said to the investigator. He nodded and made his way towards the door with the rest of their team behind him only to be blocked by the city police chief.

            “Excuse me, not to sound rude but would you please tell me who you two are and what business you have here.” The police chief crossed his arms over his chest as he waited for an answer. Seri and Seth were unfazed as Seri pulled out of her pocket her badge.

            “I am Agent Seri and this is my brother Agent Seth. We are the Head Detectives of the NYC Federal Investigations Bureau. My team was asked to come here to investigate a murder and that is what we plan to do, whether you like it or not.” Seri said sternly before putting her badge back in her pocket. The police chief looked shocked but nodded slowly, moving carefully out of the way of the investigators. The investigators looked at the police chief as they walked out of the door.

"I’m sorry. I did not mean to sound rude; I just never thought the Head Detectives of New York’s top investigation unit would be so… young.” Said the police chief, as he paced back and forth in the eerie living space.

"It is fine. Do not worry about it. My brother and I probably should have said who we were the minute we came here.” Said Seri, who had begun taking mental pictures of the crime scene. Seth walked over to the police chief and motioned towards the door.

“May we finish talking back at the police department?” Asked Seth softly.

"Yes, yes of course. But if you don't mind my asking, just how old are you two?" Asked the police chief. Seri and her twin brother smiled and looked at each other before saying in unison.

"Seventeen." Seth took the chief by the arm and led him out of the apartment. Seri stayed behind a moment longer before following them and closing the door behind her.

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