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Halloween 2017
7:36 Hannah's house

Katie knocked on Hannah's door holding her bag of clothes she was going to Hannah's house for their annual sleepover every Halloween where they sleep over at one another's house and watch scary movies and tell scary stories Hannah opened the door holding a bowl of candy
Hannah- hey Katie
Katie- hey
Hannah- it was getting late I thought you weren't coming
Katie- I would never miss this
Hannah- Sarah's already here come on in
Katie walked in and then Hannah shut the door and in the bushes a dark figure stood there watching them, then it turned and walked away
Sarah- hey Katie
Katie- hey
Hannah- we were just about to watch the last episode of pretty little liars
Katie- without me
Hannah- we were just gonna find out who A.D was then we were gonna watch it with you
Katie- oh ok
Katie went through Hannah's house towards Hannah's room to put her bag in there, she walked in the room and sat her bag down as she was starting out the room there was a knock on the window Katie turned and started walking towards the door slowly
Hannah- Katie it's on hurry
Katie then slowly turned and walked out as she left the room a shadow figure walked by
After watching the last episode of pretty little liars there was knock on the door
Hannah- I'll get that
She grabbed the candy bowl and walked to the door she opened it
Kids- trick or treat
Hannah- I love all your costumes here take some candy
After she gave them candy she shut the door and walked back
Sarah- what show should we watch next
Hannah- what about a scary movie
Katie- what about the new jeepers creepers
Sarah- no everyone says it sucks
Hannah- yeah they say while killing someone he stops and skips down the road
Katie- what jeepers creepers is supposed to be scary not a funny movie no wonder it went straight to dvd
Sarah- what about the strangers
Katie- yeah did you hear about the second one it looks good
Hannah- oh yeah I watched the trailer on Facebook it does look good
Sarah- the strangers it is
9:36 p.m
As they were about to finish the movie there was a knock on the door
Katie- ok it's 9 and trick or treat ended at 8
Hannah- maybe it's the late trick or treaters
Sarah- oh yeah like the ones last year who came at 11
Katie- I'll go with you
Hannah grabbed the candy bowl Katie followed her slowly Hannah opened the door
Kids- trick or treat
Hannah- hey guys here take one handful because you all are my last trick or treaters for the night
As the last kid grabbed his candy Katie looked up at the other kids and smiled then she looked down the street and saw a dark figure standing there
Katie- Hannah do you see that man
Hannah looked up and saw the figure
Hannah- yeah why
Katie- that's creepy
Hannah- maybe it's another trick or treater
Katie- I don't know
As they shut the door Katie locked it and then looked out the window
Katie- he's still just standing there
Sarah- who is
Hannah- some guy
Sarah- is he cute
Katie- Sarah it's actually kinda creepy
Sarah- well let's finish the movie
Katie looked out one more time and he was still standing there she shut the curtains and walked back over to the coach where Sarah turned the movie on
Hannah- I don't like this movie
Sarah- yeah I like the second Annabelle better
Katie- same but why do they make prequels to prequels I think the first one should be the start maybe do some flashback scenes then carry on the story with future events
Sarah- I do to
Then there was another knock
Hannah- ok that's creepy
Katie- yeah it's way to late for trick or treaters
Sarah- maybe it's someone playing a prank
Hannah got up and started walking towards the door
Katie- don't open it look out the window first
Hannah looked out the window and saw no one
Hannah- there's no one
Sarah- that is creepy
Katie got up and looked out the window also
Katie- that man that was standing in the street is gone
Sarah- let's turn the scary movies off and let's watch something funny
Hannah- yeah I agree
Hannah and Katie walked back to the coach and they turned on Moana
As they watched the movie they heard a window shatter
Katie- what the hell
Sarah- what was that
Hannah- I don't know
They all got up and slowly walked down the hall and into Hannah's room where her window was shattered
Hannah- oh my god
Katie- what broke it
Sarah- what's that
Sarah then picked up a rock
Hannah- some asshole threw a rock through my window my parents are gonna kill me
Katie- who would do this
Katie then looked out the window and saw the same dark figure that was in the street
Katie- it's that man we saw
Hannah- the one in the street
Katie- yes and he still is just standing there
Sarah- who are you?
Katie- Sarah shhhhh
Hannah- no we need to know who this man is
Hannah walked out of her room and started for the front door
Katie- Hannah wait
Sarah- yeah don't open the door
Hannah- why not this man broke my window
Then the figure busted the window in the kitchen
They all screamed
Hannah walked into the kitchen and there was another rock the man wasn't there this time
Katie- is there any other way to get in
Hannah- the back porch where the pool is
They all followed Hannah through the house to the porch door where they locked it
Hannah- do you see him
Katie- turn the pool lights on
Hannah turned the switch and the lights around the pool turned on and there was the figure standing there dressed in a black robe with a red devil mask on which reflected in the lights
Katie- there's the man
Hannah- why does he have a mask on
Then the man walked into the darkness
Sarah- where did he go
They stood there looking out the windows then the window beside Hannah busted open they screamed and ducked down
Hannah- who is this man
Katie- where do we go
Sarah- what about the upstairs balcony
Hannah then slowly got up and looked out there was the man standing there looking down at them Hannah screamed and Katie looked up and started running away Hannah and Sarah followed they ran up the steps and towards the balcony
Sarah- hurry go to the balcony and see if you see him I'll stay at the stairs to make sure he doesn't come in
Katie- just yell if you see him
Sarah- trust me I will
Katie and Hannah walked to the balcony where they looked over the back yard
Katie- do you see him
Hannah- no do you
Katie- wait who's that
Hannah- that's Gary the neighbor
Katie- wait what's he doing
Hannah- maybe he heard us scream and is checking it out
Katie- we need to stop him
Hannah- no because maybe he can see who the man is
Katie- what if that man kills him
Hannah- it's either us or Gary
Katie- ugh fine
They watched as Gary walked near the pool and then the masked figure stood on the other side of the pool
Gary- uh hello?
Gary- excuse me do you live here
Gary- is this a Halloween prank
Then the masked figure pulled a knife from out his belt
Gary- I'll let you get back to your prank just please keep down the noise
Gary turned and started back the masked figure then ran to Gary and stabbed him in the back
Katie- oh my god
Hannah- after he's done with Gary were next
Gary turned to the figure and yelled the killer then lunged at him again stabbing Gary in the gut, Gary kept yelling while the killer stabbed him in the chest then Gary started choking on his blood and finally died the killer then looked up at the balcony and ran to the front door
Katie- he's going to the front door
Hannah and Katie got up and ran to Sarah
Sarah- what is it
Katie- the neighbor is dead that man killed him and know he's going to the front of the house
Sarah- oh my god
Hannah ran to the door and looked out the window Sarah ran to the phone and Katie ran to the kitchen to grab a knife
Sarah-the home phone is out he must of cut the line
Hannah- you stupid bitch use the cellphones
Sarah ran to the cellphones then called 911
Katie grabbed the knife and looked out the windows Katie walked to the door and handed Hannah a knife
Hannah- where is the son of a bitch
Katie- Sarah are the police on there way
Sarah- yeah they'll be her in less than 30 minuets they said
Hannah- that's to long
Then the killer watched them through the back yard window and then slowly climbed in through the window he busted earlier
Hannah- what if he tricked us and he's already in here
Katie- Hannah come with me to go check the house Sarah stay here just in case the police come
Sarah- really are you trying to get me killed
Hannah- shut up and stay there
Katie and Hannah walked back to Hannah's room where their bags were cut opened and their clothes were slung across her room Sarah kept looking out the window while she was looking out she could see her reflection in the window and behind her was the masked figure he grabbed her she screamed then he reached out his knife and slit her throat she gargled on blood she tried to scream but choked on blood she grabbed at her throat then she became motion less sliding down the door the figure then turned and ran off
Katie- that was Sarah
They ran into the living room to see her leaning against the door with her throat slit Katie and Hannah both screamed then the killer ran at Hannah and threw her over the coach Katie screamed and ran into the kitchen where the killer followed her Katie ran to one side of the kitchen island and the killer stayed on the other Katie tried running towards one side but the killer started for the same direction she ran back to the center and held out the knife she kept screaming then Hannah got up and saw what was happening
Hannah- get away from her
The killer turned and started walking to Hannah
Hannah- Katie go run
Katie started to the stairs then realized that was stupid and ran to the door and then outside where she started down the street Hannah- come on asshole
Hannah swung at the killer with the knife the killer then sliced her arm she screamed Katie stopped running when she heard Hannah screamed but then thought that bitch dead and kept running
Hannah held her cut then looked up at the killer
Hannah- that's the best you got
The killer then stabbed her in the shoulder
Hannah then looked at her shoulder then looked at the killer
Hannah- stupid bit...
the killer then kicked her causing her to fall back on to the coffee table causing it to shatter Hannah moved a little
Hannah- who are you
The killer said nothing and then stabbed her in the throat she started gargling then finally stopped the killer lifted the knife out and turned to the door on his way out he grabbed the car keys, Katie was running in the middle of the street yelling for help then she heard a car but saw no headlights
Katie- oh my god please let them stop
Then Katie turned and there was a car the killer hit her she flew across the road and laid there as the killer got out of the car and walked towards her Katie looked at the killer and then looked up and screamed the killer then lifted his knife up and stabbed her in the chest then he got in the car and drive over her and down the road
Police man- yeah two victims both female
Police surrounded the house and the news were everywhere reports that a murderer was on the lose
6:24 a.m
Police woman- one victim female
Reporter- was it a hit and run
Police woman- I don't think so there is a stab wound in her chest
Reporter- could she be related to the double murder last night
Police woman- actually they are because the young woman's name is Katie she was with her friends last night when someone decided to attack them
Reporter- is there any idea who this killer might be
Police woman- no further questions

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