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I sighed of frustration, slamming my curling iron down onto the marbled counter top causing a loud thud. I was supposed to be leaving in thirty minutes for my best friend Lucille's party; yet here I sat with only half of my thick brunette hair curled.

I checked the time, and another minute passed. Frustrated, I proceeded to pick up the curling iron again, only to accidentally hit the full length mirror causing several cracks to split down the glass. Isn't cracking a mirror bad luck? Or was that shattering a mirror? I couldn't quiet remember. What would I do now? My mirror was completely cracked, and my hair was not at all fit for leaving the house.

I mumbled some incoherent words under my hot breath, as I unplugged my curling iron from the wall, stuffing it into its felt bag and zipping it closed. Something caught my eye- it was dark, and it was in the cracks of the mirror. Was something behind my jagged reflection? I glanced quickly behind myself, but saw nothing of the sort of what was in the cracks of the full length mirror that sat in front of me.

I leaned forward, daringly to feel the sharp edges; maybe there was a slip of paper behind the glass? I'm not exactly sure. My soft fingers collided with the jagged edges between the cracks, leaving small cuts cross the buds of my fingers. I swore under my breath, but was surprised as my hand went through the mirror- and I proceeded to fall in; tumbling into a room that seemed to be a replica of my own, except it was filled with a strange and unfamiliar energy.

I quickly sprung to my feet, and turned around to be met by a look alike of myself. What was going on? I shrieked out of fear, and walked backwards into the wall.

"Who are you?" I asked, voice small and shaky as my lips quivered and my mind searched for a reasonable explanation to the current situation.

"I am you, but that does not matter. You need to leave, it is too dangerous here." The figure spoke quickly, fear pooling in her eyes like tear drops on a cold winter night. I was pushed back to the cracked mirror, and I tumbled through. My mind raced, and my heart had stopped. Is it possible I just met my reflection? Was I in an alternate universe? I quickly turned around, facing the full length mirror, and my hands felt around the glass, trying desperately to fall back through again. What did she mean by it being dangerous there? I was so confused, tears pooled in my eyes as I hopelessly searched for a way back; but it was useless.

I heard the sound of a phone ringing, but it wasn't mine. Who's was it? My vision blurred, and my eyes opened; revealing the harsh morning light. It was all a dream. But was there truth backing it?

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