Part 1

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January 12th! The day was finally here. You're going to see calpurnia in concert. Finn Wolfhard was your absolute favorite so, you figured, why not take advantage of the fact that hes only gonna be 1 and half hrs away from you performing with his band, Calpurnia.
~time skip~
As you and your best friend get there, waiting in line, anxiety through the fucking roof, you find out a meet and greet is also included. As time flies, it is your turn! You're clenching your phone so hard and chill is not even close to being in your vocabulary right now. You walk up and you see them! Your eyes immediately go to Finn and he smiles so big and hes so friendly and his hands are shaky and clammy and you're both so nervous. Finn cannot get over how stunning you are and is hoping to see you out in the crowd later. The photographer quickly grabs your friend's phone to take the picture. Out of anixety and panic, you set your phone down on the table behind you guys for a quick second. When its time to find your place in the crowd, you start getting rushed out and immediatly grab a phone and leave.

A Night to Remember- Finn Wolfhard/Calpurnia StoryWhere stories live. Discover now