10 || My New Family

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"Stop! Don't do it, Bee! You, girl, drop it, now!" A man called out. He was someone familiar and probably much more friendly than the rest of the soldiers. Y/n responded aggressively to him.

"Oh-ho! I ain't dropping sh*t!" She snapped at the soldier called William Lennox. She didn't know that he was some type of ally.

"Hey! The military doesn't want it this way, Bee, you gotta believe that!" Lennox puts his hands up and looks up at the yellow Bot. Of course, the yellow Camaro is still pissed off. Bee grumbled. "It's the new world order now and these guys are calling the shots."

"All they want is a home." Y/n told Lennox.

"And if you push them, they push right back." Cade added. Lennox sighed at Cade, Y/n, and Bee. He accepted that the two humans were correct and had to accept that these extraterrestrial beings indeed desire a secure haven to call home. If the self-centered human race is always pursuing the Autobots, how are they ever going to have a place to call home?

The conversation shortens because another Autobot that goes by the name of--

"Hound's in town!" He bellowed loudly, transforming into his robotic mode. He was much bigger, wider, and prop-heavy. Hound is full of military equipment-- pretty much the weapons and tools you'll find on the average soldier, only his equipment is very advanced. "I love starting the day off with a gunfight! Sorry, I'm late." He says. "My invitation to this ass-kicking must have got lost in the mail!"

Y/n suddenly got a kick out of this guy. She could see he was very devoted to his Autobot brothers and from her understanding, just observing his props, he seemed to be a medic... A replacement."Sweet." Said towards Hound's arrival before glancing at William Lennox. "Better think twice, sir." 

"Me and my crew are rolling out of here." Cade said, seeing Y/n is still holding the gun to Santos.

"Call off your birds." Hound said.

Y/n nodded in agreement to Cade. "Let's go."

"They're not gonna touch us."

Y/n lowered Cade's gun and handed it back to him. She heard Hound and Bumblebee teasing the TRF about not being able to shoot them. Watching their childish play made her giggle with a wide smile, thinking it was hilarious to see Bumblebee mimic a clucking chicken.

The girl was linked with Bee and could be a target for the TRF, so Cade called out to her to get inside his black vehicle. Although it is the TRF's responsibility to eliminate every Transformer they come across, Cade has been working to keep them alive. It turns out Y/n will be taking this job as well.


The Autobot leader, Optimus Prime, descended into his home planet, Cybertron, from beyond the stars, outside of Earth. It's not the same as it was previously. Apart from whatever was ahead of him, it had no lights or Cybertronian life of any kind. He didn't like the state in which the world was in—it was dark, unsettling, and decaying. "My world! What has happened to my world?" He asked out loud.

The renowned Prime was then answered by a female voice. She sounded really pleasant and at ease. "Your world is dying. I've been waiting for you, Optimus. Come meet your maker." She said as he walked into what seemed like a Cybertronian structure.

"You are my creator?"

She smirked. "I am Quintessa, the Prime of Life." Quintessa's face was unlike Optimus' in any way. Her visage resembled a human's, but with bright eyes, she floated through the air and a cunning attempt at sugarcoating.

Optimus sounded like he lost interest in his creator and lashed out his sword at Quintessa. "What have you done to my home?!"

She immediately blocked his strike, reaching out to restrain Prime and hissing angrily when he threatened to kill her. "You dare to strike your god?!" Optimus kneels and listens to Quintessa. "Your war doomed Cybertron."

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