Chapter 1: Nico di Angelo and "holy shit this is my first kiss ever."

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"Nico! hurry up!"

"I'm coming!" Nico shouts over his shoulder.

"You're taking forever!" Will shouts from behind the door.

Nico hurriedly buttoned up his black shirt, and then put on his red flannel hoodie. he tried to fix his hair. which was-never easy, so he settled on putting a beanie over it.

he opened the door slowly, smiling shyly.

"oh my gosh! Nico!" Will smiled bright, and seized Nico by the arms, hugging him "You look so good baby!"

he could feel his ears redden.

Will let Nico down. "ready to go?"

he smiled, as he looked Will up and down-but he was allowed to do that! They were dating, he wasn't a perv!

But Will looked really freaking good! his blond hair swept to one side, he looked so great in casual clothes-well, he looked great in formal clothes too! but that wasn't the point. he had dark blue jeans, a white T-shirt and not even a jacket. Nico glared.

"Will! you're gonna freeze your ass off!"

"and you're not in that thin little flannel?" Will smirks

he puffs out his cheeks.

"come on sweetheart" Will laughs light-heartedly,


Will takes his hand and leads him out the back door.


"W-Will, they'll hear you" he says through gritted teeth

"sh..." Will put a finger to Nico's lips "they will if you start talking" he smirks, finally managing to unlock the window, and climbing out,

"don't die" Nico whispered before he climbed out the window he kissed Will's cheek. Will smiled, and let himself go, landing gracefully on the grass below. Will looked up and smiled, giving him two thumbs up.

Nico muffled his giggles, jumping out, landing not nearly as perfect as Will. he lost his balance and fell face first. he was lucky for the grass.

"You alright?"

"super" Nico breathed out. Will helped him up.

"ready?" Will smiles,

he nods, smiling. Will covers his eyes, "what are you doing...?"

he hears Will's laughter as he puts his arms around him, guiding him somewhere.

"okay, leg, up and over" he could almost hear the smile. he did as he was told, his leg was supported

"what the...?"

"okay" Will removed his hands. Nico was sat on a motorcycle.

his jaw dropped

"shut. up."

"happy birthday!"

"my birthday was in January"

"fine....happy random Friday~!"

"Will this...this is like..." he covered his mouth, opened and closed it again. his heart was racing.

"this ain't the end of the surprises darlin'" Will grins, Nico doesn't even blush; he was too excited.

Will puts a helmet on Nico's head, one on his own and hops behind him.

"Will...I don't know how to drive a motorcycle"

"you'll figure it out"

"no, Will like, I don't know how to drive a motorcycle"

Will rolled his eyes. "just drive sweetheart" Will put his arms around Nico's stomach.

he gulped, Will handed him the keys, he put it in the ignition.


They were very lucky they lived near the place that they were going.

As Nico crashed not once, but four times. Luckily he didn't cause many issues or injuries but sure caused a lot of people to turn their heads.

"and turn here" Will pointed left, "park here"

" this?"

"yep. perfect" Will smiles.

Nico was a bit sad when Will arms were no longer folded around his chest but he went with it.

he gasped softly when he looked at the neon sign "Koneko"

"W-Will. you-you didn't." Nico sputtered

Will grinned"oh but I did"

"WILLLLL!" he grabbed what of Will's shirt he could and shook him.

the blond haired boyfriend laughed, taking Nico's hand and leading him inside.

It was like a dream for Nico. There were kittens everywhere, and barista's that looked like hipsters and a song played quietly in the background that he recognized as "Riptide" by Vance Joy. The lighting was perfect, it contrasted nicely with the dark city it was left in. the bell jingled when they walked in.

"hi! welcome to Koneko!" A peppy guy with brown hair and green eyes welcomes them.

"hi" Will smiles, Nico waves awkwardly.

"what can I get you?" he smiles, as he gets a kitten off of him. who which meowed, barreling away.

"uhh..." Will walks off, he already would know what Nico gets. he always got the exact same thing. every time. Hot coco, extra whip cream. no coffee whatsoever. he sat down on one of the low to ground chairs, and a cat hopped up on him. he smiled and stroked its head. it was an orange tabby, it had a white spot on its muzzle and on its ear. in other words, it was adorable.

Will came back with their cups, he sat in another chair. he gave Nico his cup and without thought, he just pecked Will's lips. he did like they were some type of college couple. one that was older, more mature, and more definitely not them.

he froze, he looked at Will, wide eyes, red cheeks

"W-Will d-did I just?-um.." Nico stuttered.

Will just smiled. "think you did" his head darted around the workers seemed to have just disappeared. Will put his cup down.

"what're you m-!" Will kissed him. Will freaking kissed him! he was kissing him. Will's arms wrapped around Nico tight, his coco was still in his hand and he figured a moment longer if their lips were still making contact he'd probably drop it. eventually, Nico's hands found Will's back, rushing up like a backward waterfall, and then his pale fingers got lost in the mass of Will's curly and matted hair. Even when their mouths disconnected Will still held him close, no space left between them. he could feel Will's heart pounding, was it lack of breath? or nerves? Nico's was both.

"W-Will..." Nico got off of Will,

"what? what's wrong?"


one of the workers ran in. scooped the cat up and ran behind the counter where they prepared the drinks. Were they watching them?

he didn't get much time to wonder before Will was kissing him again. Will's hands on his hips, then Will lifts him up. In normal circumstances, Nico would freak out. but he doesn't. he just felt safe. safe in Will's arms. Nico wrapped his legs around Will, Will held him up, Nico wrapped his arms loosely around Will's neck. he laid his head in the crook of Will's neck. he felt invincible. faultless and perfect. because nothing, no outside force could hurt him, not if he was there. there in Will's embrace.

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