Where it all began.

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I should introduce myself first. I am Izzy, Izzy Davidson and this is my life story. There will be some parts of this that some people may find disturbing but here I go. I wont dwell on primary too much but it is important to explaining why i am who i am now.

It all starting in year 2, I remember it like it was yesterday. I think this must have been when he saw me as his target. His name was Jamal, it was art class and we had this bitch of a teacher. For the sake of this story I will only name her Miss, she was at the front of the classroom as always looking over everything trying to make sure nothing went wrong. Jamal kept poking me in the back and I got very annoyed very quickly but I tried to stay calm. I asked him politely to stop before raising my voice a little bit. He could see my anger rising and wanted to see how far he coud push me before I snapped. After a minute of him poking me I gave him what he wanted, I lost my shit. I screamed at him to stop it. After that I remember the room going silent, everyone was waiting for Miss to get up and scream at us both. This is where my memory goes black. I cant remember if she screamed or just sat their staring, but what I do remember is that was the start of my hell. The starting point to the misery that turned out to be my life.

See Jamal wasn't alone in this, he was friends with almost all the boys in our year so he got them in on it too. I was going to be their little elf girl for the rest of primary school. I have a abnormal lump on my left ear which makes me look like an elf, its a bit of cartilage that developed there, it wasn't rare or anything but there was nobody else in my school that had it. What made everything worse was that my school made us put our hair up, if we had it down we would get shouted at by teachers. No, screamed at. I always refused surgery to get it removed because then i would have given in. My body my life and I wasn't about to let anybody tell me i was wrong. It still hurt though. All the comments, the distasteful looks, the teachers looking on while i stared at them. Pleading for their help. They never knew though. Couldn't have understood if they tried. People kept saying to me, go to your teacher, they know best but no. There was this other girl in my class who got bullied by the same boys. Except she put all her emotions out on show. She wasn't a target until much later on, year 5 to be precise, but whenever she told the teachers they said they would fix it but it only got worse.

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