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Today's the day I am leaving to California. I've been crossing the days until I leave on my calendar and today I'm leaving my hometown Melbourne to California!

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing, before I could pick it up the caller hung up. I sat up in My bed and looked at my alarm clock which read '8:48'.

I took my iPhone off charge and saw all the missed calls and messages which were from my best friends saying bye, I wasn't that stressed because I can always call them and Skype them but I will miss them.

I flicked through and there was about 20 more messages, I don't want to leave , but I couldn't go back now my mum already booked and planned everything; the accommodation, the plane tickets and besides I packed my suitcase last night.

I was so tired but I knew I had to get up. I lived with my mother.. My dad died a few years ago from cancer I still remember looking at him in the hospital, and the day he passed away.

I cried for days and didn't sleep for days, but I Guess there's nothing to do about that. I stopped my flashback and realised I had to go down to eat.

I was attracted to the smell of pancakes coming from downstairs, "I made your favourite" I looked at the plate and on it was 3 large pancakes with strawberries, whipped cream, and chocolate sauce.

I demolished them down within 10 minutes, and ran up and had a shower.

I wonder how California will be, I might even make some new friends, I wondered. I finished my shower and went to get dressed, I put on my tight black denim jeans with my superman top I got from Queensland. It was quite chilly here in Melbourne so I wore my black jacket and put my favourite low cut black converses on.

I let my hair down because I straightened it the day before, but I brushed it lightly.

I got my iPhone and earphones and charger.

I looked around the house and checked to make sure I didn't leave anything, and hopped In the car with my mother.

Finally we head to the airport and wait for our plane, which seemed like forever. I went on my phone and messaged all my friends good bye.

Soon we were on the plane waiting for our plane to fly, I put in my earphones and the song shower came on.. A few songs passed until the plane was finally moving! This is gonna be a long flight.

I looked out of the small window, I was now heading to California.


This is my first time writing a fanfic sooo I'm not an expert but please tell me what you's think

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I'll be updating once a week

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