Written in love

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Hey okay so I am new to this writing and posting so bare with me please :)

I am also really sorry if there is grammar errors. I am just writing what comes to mind and not bothering to fix it yet.

I hope you like this story :)

Now for the story..........

Dear Annabelle my loving granddaughter,

When you receive this I will be gone already the problems has begun again and this time my body can't fight any longer. I am sorry I have to leave so soon, but I will have you know that I love you and hope that one day you find a loving husband who will help you bring wonderful grandchildren to your mother Clarissa.

PS. in the package I have sent you there is a book a book just for you ,I hope you like it, it was written in love.

Love grandmother Annabeth

Things in life happen for a reason and this is my life and the reason it started

July 2 1998 I was born to a loving mother and father they were rich like millionaires we were happy, we never spent our money on the newest clothes or something that had no value to us instead we opened up a hotel you see it's not the type of hotel you might be thinking it's a hotel for the homeless it has rooms to stay in and free three meals a day for everyone that checks in all that was cost was a smile. the people became something to us, something that was added in my life an addition to our family.

I had grown to love every person and would talk to them one to one some even told me how they had become homeless.

Most of them were 40 years or older and had no family to love or care for.

One day as I had turned 16 I was reading to an elder when I heard the front door ring I jumped up and looked down at Dora, a lady who felt like a grandmother to me. She smiled up at me and told me to go with her hand motion. I watched her roll her wheel chair to the next room safely when I decided to dashed to greet the new member. As I got there I looked up and what I saw shocked me in all the years that I had met homeless people none of them frightened me or even made me in the state of shock. But this one did he is the reason my life changed for the better

Annabeth's Pov

I looked up and jumped up to what felt like a mile.

His eyes had been blue like the sea and you could just drown right into them, he had dashing dark brown hair and high cheek bones that outlined the scriptures of his face had had a chiseled chin and a look on his face indicating he was nervous.

I looked down to his t shirt and noticed it had been torn and stained, on his arms he had muscles that looked like all he had done is work for his life something in my mind told me that I wasn't scared. Once he noticed I was standing there he started to speak"umm hey I'm Nathan my buddy Lance told me about this place.."he looked at the only tattoo that seemed to be on his arm. " oh okay but did he tell you it costs? "I felt the need to mess with him I had no idea but I liked his presence it felt all in all right. he hung his head low and sighed " sorry" he turned around and left the building as soon as the door closed I swung it back open smiling as I reached for his inked arm I spoke" it's not money you have to pay with its a smile. Each day we have all visitors pay us with a smile showing they want to be here and that they are happy." "well OK then" with that in mind he smiled the greatest smile I had ever seen in my life. I blushed and lead him to the next available room on the third floor. as I opened the door I saw a worried look on his face I frowned and asked him what was wrong he shook his head quickly not wanting to speak and headed into the room, I watched as he looked around in awe he smiled at the sight of the well-made bed our maid Claire was assigned to make and then faded the open closest he frowned at the sight of clothing filling out the small room of space. "Why do you do this help homeless I mean we never did anything to you in the past that can lead you guys to treating us as family?" "but that's where your wrong you may not believe you or any of the others are helping us but you are you see at school i am not really social so I have never been around to make any real friends it's you guys that are there for me like the family and friends we have never had. My parents were both adopted as children from two very rich families these families had been close friends and that is how they met they knew that they were not born to be rich it just happened because of fate.. "I stopped when I noticed I had been rambling on and on. "I'm sorry you probably don't care I mean we just met and I am going on and on about my family past. "

He smiled at me from where he was sitting on his bed. "no go on its interesting." I smiled back mentally thanking him for being so kind. " well then okay.. Where was I? Oh that's right sense they had knew that they were adopted they never used their money on things other rich people bought they would give their money to charity events. They never made true friends." I slowly walked out of the room allowing him to take in his surroundings. I had this weird feeling I had never felt before I must have been excitement to finally have someone else who was my age around here. yea that's it its exactly that.

I mentally growled at my inner thoughts. What was she going on about I never have and never will have many friends. I like how I only have one friend my age and I like it that she is the only one. She has been my only friend for so long that just thinking about becoming friends with Nathan is different. I finally reached my door which happens to be right across his room and as I reached my bed I fell into a deep slumber dreaming of possible stories behind the tattoo on his arms.

I know this first chapter was really short but I promise to make the rest longer

-lots of love Kendra697

written in loveWhere stories live. Discover now