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The Simmons were always the family that mine didn't like, you see they along with my parents were all best friends in high school till one day a lady came into town, she had long blonde hair and purple eyes. She was in fact a witch and while visiting she had explained their future and how they would soon depart from their since birth friendship. My father and mother are mates they are the alphas of our pack the Starlight moons and Joanne and Carl Simmons are the alphas of their pack the Silver fangs. From that day on our families never socialized we have to be on the same land that is only separated by one long wall from our territory to the next so our pact wouldn't socialize with the Silver fangs pack.

My names Julia Green and this is my story of how my life changed oh yeah and how I met Rylan.

☆♡Julia ' s POV♡☆♡

Okay so here's the plan I walk in and presto that's it come on Jules you can do it one simple twist of that golden nob. I turned the nob to the right and I heard a click, that simple noise made my heart beat a hundred times faster. This is the first time I have been away from my parents much less away from my pack.

I have been going to the same school sense elementary and trust me I knew everyone because my father has built the school, it was from kinder till twelfth grade. I hated it the only thing I really loved was my best friend in the whole world Crawford . I missed him dearly but after he had found his mate we kinda drifted apart something I knew would happen and I didn't even try to stop it I wanted him to be happy and when I saw him with Lilian he had a smile on his face that I knew meant much more then our friendship.

Oh yeah sorry back to opening that door I swung it open before I looked down at what I was wearing my new schools uniform a light grey button up shirt with the print on the right sleeve indicating that I belonged to Howel Everdee Academy or AKA Howdee Academy funny I know , a navy blue skirt that went mid thigh and knee high white socks that made me want to barf when I put them on, but now as I looked around I noticed everyone was wearing them and they looked fine. I closed the door shut with a slam and that's when all eyes turned to the rowdy new girl, me.

I tried to ignore all the stares as I walk to the office to get my class schedule and dorm number. when I open a door labeled office I step in to my left I see a lady that seemed to be around her early thirty's with sparkling green eyes,

'Hello sweety you must be Julia Green I am Camella but you may call me Tammie its a pleasure to meet you.'

I jump up with a startle when I heard her voice it was so cheery! I smiled and walked up to her to shake her hand that had been held out. After that she began to speak.

'Ok so now for your class scuedule its already thrid period the period before lunch so you may deside if you would rather stay in your dorm or go to fourth after lunch.'

' Its ok thank you I'll get to my dorm and unpack.'

I smiled. It was strange how they had dorms I had never even thought of having a roommate sense I was an only child I wonder how mom and dad are cooping without me they must be lonely, thankfully  they have the pact to keep them company. I smiled at that thought for the second time that morning at the thought of my family. My thoughts seem to stop when I look down at my dorm number I grab my things and said a quick goodbye to Cammie. As I walked to the dorm hall C I thought all about my nanny Kelly I have known her for a life time, well my life time and she is like my second mother I hate that I am the only person she really loves because after her daughter Sarah and her husband went on a fishing trip at a lake nearby they never came home Sarah was ten at the time and it was her first time fishing I remember when she left she had been so excited I felt the same way for her she was the only sister I had sense I was an only child , I felt as steamy hot tear run down my face I should stop I can't dare cry she is in a better place.

I reached dorm number 17 and as I open the door it slams back onto my face. Well that hurt. I rub the spot on my forehead and winced. looking up I was meet with greenish blue eyes that resemble a pond. I saw the persons eyes turn into confusion and then it became alarmed.

'I'm sorry forgive me are you alright?'

His voice sent chills along my spine and when he grabbed my arm the spot burned but a good burn not a bad kind, it was comfortable and as soon as I felt that my wolf yelled MATE in my head.

'Ehh yeaa iim fine'

He smiled down at me and began to speak.

'What were you outside of my dorm for anyways??'

'Umm that's my dorm.'

'Nope sorry I am going to get a new roomate and its a boy not a pretty girl.'

I had to blush how is he so sweet? The only thing I can't wrap my head around is the fact that he doesn't seem to be hearing the word Mate like I am, he seems to ignore it why so?...

♡☆Rylans POV☆♡☆

MATE I heard it loud and clear it was tanting my my ears. I could hear her beautiful wolf/self calling me but I can't I told myself that I wouldn't ever love another after I met Rose. Rose and I had been hoping to be mates but I guess luck wasn't on our side . Rose  lives in the next town over and we have been dating for almost a year now yet I can't bring myself to neglect this new girl she sure is the opposite of rose , Rose is at an average height with dark brown hair, a porsilene face with blue eyes and no dimples as for my "mate" she was a bit shorter with light brown hair, honey eyes that shine,dimples and wavy hair that falls to her mid back. I need to find out what I need to do and fast.

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