The Due Date

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It all started when I was at school I was called down by the office, and was told my dad was dead.

"I'm fine!" I said! The kids at school would not stop bothering me about me and my boyfriend jake. He just asked me out yesterday and everyone will not stop talking about it!

So back to how my dad died. he was on his way to work. He works as a lawyer, he made good money, I guess. He was texting me good morning, but he didn't see the semi-truck in front of him. all that day I was sobbing, I just could not stop! God didn't help me either, he diagnosed my mom with cancer. My family always had a generation with breast cancer. I might get it too, but the doctor said I wont. I was very happy, but I was still sad about my mom.

The day I went back to school everyone was quiet and didn't talk to me, you could only hear the whispers saying "did you hear about Taylor's dad and mom!?" In my head I was just like "assholes." Only jake did, he walked up to me and said "How you doin?"

"not so good my family is dying piece by piece"

"Don't worry just hang in there. Do you wanna hang out later today? Maybe you can talk to me about it?"

" Idk I might be busy I'll text you. Ok?"

"Yea, sure that seams fine."

'The first bell rings.Ding,Ding,Ding,Ding'

Chapter 3. Me and Jake's conversation


Jake-"So are you gonna come to the place tonight?"

Taylor-"Yea, Let me go tell my mom I'll be there in a few."

Jake-"Kk I'll see you there love yah😘"

Taylor -"Love you too Bye!!😘"

*At the ice cream parlor*

Jake-"So how are you feeling?"

Taylor-"Not so good I don't think I can handle this much longer"

Jake-"Don't worry I'll help you get through it!"

Taylor-"Ok, are you sure? I'm seriously about to call it quits."😔

Jake-"What do you mean?!"

Taylor-"You know what I mean!?"

Jake-"I would die for you! You can not quit on me now!"

Taylor-"But how will I push through this pain!!!???"

Jake-" I will be your guardian angel! I will look after you 24/7! I would kill myself so you could live I can't live without you!"

Taylor-"Aww!!! You would do all that for me?!?!"

Jake-"It's because I love you just so much!"

Taylor-"I love you!!!"

Jake-"I love you more!"

They leaned in and that kissed! His soft lips onto her soft lips she thought it was wonderful!

Chapter 4. The Painful Truth

My mother wouldn't tell me why we were going, but we rushed to the hospital. It kinda made me worry, but I still will always trust her. We were there for me I found out, as they put me on the bed and pushed me into the emergency room. They took some tests and I asked "What is wrong? Why do I have to take all these tests?!" I was so worried! "Dont worry you'll be fine , but bad news is you might have cancer." The doctor said. "WHAT!!???" I scream so loud the doctor held his ears.

Chapter 5 What I was diagnosed with.

" I thought you said I would never have it!!!???" I exclaimed. "Well that was before your mom got it so we had to take some tests. I am so sorry, but you will die on a certain due date." I started to bawl my eyes out!"Can god just kill me now!?" she screamed into the air.

" It's not gods fault it is humans fault for not finding a cure to this diagnosis!" the doctor told me. I started spinning out of control I was thrashing my body around and screaming! I guess the thought of me not going to have a life drove me bonkers."JUST KILL ME NOW!!!" All I did was kept yelling at god, and at that very moment I stopped and couldn't breathe....

Chapter 6. What happened after death.

After I came back conscious I started to forgive god for yelling and wanted my life to end now. We went home and I did not talk for the rest of the week. When I was unconscious I saw things that really scared me! There was a Man who was really scary!

After that I talked to Jake about it. He was really upset with me. I really don't know why but I think it was because I didn't tell him earlier. He must really hate my guts.

It was my dads funeral day and I was getting my black dress ready. the dress was absolutely amazing! It had ruffles on the outside and the white silk went in a circle all the way down to the bottom. While we were there we all cried a little bit. My mom said thousands of prayers and so did my dying grandma.

My grandma was dying because she was watching the Boston Marathon near one of the bombs the chemicals rises on her insides and her appademics were damaged. We all prayed for her on that day and every year o that day we celebrate for her surviving.

Ch 7 I absolutely hate my life

I tried to talk Dylan, he's my best guy friend. He said I was on a tough position and it would be hard to get out of, considering there is no cure! "Why don't you go ask jake?" Dylan said in a snotty way."Whats your problem today?" I asked him."Its none of your business!" (Man was he In a bad mood!) "But were best friends!!! You can tell me anything!!!" I said." why don't you go bother your BOYfriend!" He is very jealous of jake and he gets very angry sometimes!"You know what fine! I come too you for help and you let the jealousy take you!!?? Whatever I don't know what I was thinking when I came to yo for help!" Man, was I mad!

So now I have no friends,no boyfriend to talk to,and everyone knows I'm going through this why aren't they helping!!??😢 I got into trouble at school today. All I did a was punch a girl in the face! She was making fun of me because I had cancer!

Chapter 8

I started to have hair loss on my head. I didn't realize it till I got home. My mom had cancer for a while now and still hasn't lost any!


Jake-"Why haven't you been texting me?"

Taylor-"Well, you haven't been texting or talking to me at all!!!

Jake-"I thought you said you were angry at me?!"

Taylor-"Why the hell would I say that?! You know I would tell you if I was pissed!"

Jake-"I gtg I'll call you later"

God, he is such a bitch! I'm about done with him! he said he'd be my "guardian angel" NOT!

Me and Dylan started talking again. I told him I might break-up with Jake. He seamed excited, that's great but, I might not break up with him. If that happened he would KILL ME!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2014 ⏰

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