Chapter one.

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" give it all you got defenders!  We will save the galaxy from Zarkon!! " The group leader,  Shirogane takashi spoke through the control system as the others nodded and followed his order. This was there golden opportunity and hell no,  they are not gonna lose it. You could hear the screams of the brave paladins and loud roars of their trusted lions.
" We can't go any farther commander . It's too dangerous for the lions to go on like that! " oh yes. Have I mentioned that Shiro had his status evaluated,  he became allura's commander now  " I know what I am doing princess. Trust me " he commanded the others to stay close and give it all they got. " Hiya allura we'll be okay. "  lance's fake smile attitude was heard and Allura smiled as Lance's and shiro's voice rung in her ears and she nodded. She had to trust them. They were not goofy like she used to know them when they met the first time. They are the galaxy's defenders.

The lions aura grew stronger and stronger as the enemies were blinded by the huge light. Some galra ships lost control and fell into the depeths of the black hole. " Did we just hit sendak's ship? " Keith asked in his cold sound,  but we all know Keith he's a cute cinnamon roll  " It fell I saw it " Hunk responded crying happily which made the others sweatdrop  " Hey can anyone get a connection to blue,  I think I lost it " Pidge turned green to blue who was shut down " Lance Lance can you hear me bud?  " Keith repeated on calling him but nothing was heard.
Shiro instructed them to pull blue and go inside the palace,  cause maybe lance was unconscious and needed to be carried to the healing pod

Allura's POV
My right eye started to twitch a lot as I heard the doors , it sounded like a bad situation whenever my right eye twitches a lot,  something must have happened. I hoped from the deepest of my heart it's not lance hurt. Please God.
I snapped out of my thoughts as I saw the paladins carry blue. I ran over to them as Keith took his helemet off and ran inside , the others followed him and I decided to run after them. " Oh no " I heard hunk gasp and pidge's crying. Keith held on the chair tightly. Shiro was shocked " He's.. Gone " before I realize anything else,   I was greeted by darkness and fell down ,  the last thing I heard was everyone calling my name.. 



Cliff hanger!! 
Find out what happens next chappie. Byezzz

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2017 ⏰

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