Chapter 1

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I enter the hallways of the traitorous place we call high school. Immediately, I get shoved and make contact with a locker.

"Nerd." Some kid mumbles, walking down the hall. I don't understand how I'm a nerd. I don't do my homework when I feel like it, and my family has a lot of money. I mean, I'm not complaining that I'm not popular, but, I'm average.

I turn the lock to my locker and it pops open. I grab the books I need and head to my first class. I turn the corner and see Petra, otherwise known as the queen of the school and bully to only me, walking in my direction. great. 

I quickly drop my head down, praying she doesn't see me. I walk past her and let out a breath of air, but feel my arm jerk backwards. I groan in pain at the bruises on my arm.

"Hey Lola! You Anyway, how would you like to come to my sweet sixteen?" She says smiling. I can't tell if it's real or fake.

"Uh, sure." I mumble. She smirks at me and her friends giggle.

"Well that's too bad because you aren't invited. Sorry, strictly relevant people only. And if you've forgotten, you're irrelevant." She giggles and walks off.

I don't know why she's always mean to me. I did nothing to her, It's like one day she woke up and was like "I'm going to be a cold hearted bitch to one person.". 

I walked to my class and when I entered the room, everyone stared at me. It was my first day back to school after two weeks. I was in New York with my mom. We went there to get away from my father.

The only seat available was in the back next to Jake Brundo, the schools biggest jock. My stomach drops, and I force myself to sit down. I pull down the sleeves of my hoodie and turn to face the teacher.

"I thought you were dead." Jake whispers. I nod my head no and plug in my headphones. Why is Jake talking to me? I look over and see his mouth moving but I roll my eyes and face the front of the class.

I feel a tight grip on my wrist and wince in pain.  I turn my head and see Jake rolling his eyes sarcastically, imitating what I did.

I want to fake a smile, but I can't. He's still holding my wrist and I'm fighting back tears. I look him in the eye and he examines me. The he lets go. I let out a sigh of relief and he stares at me. 

"What?" I mumble.

"Why did you flinch? When I grabbed you." He asks, examining my every move.

"I don't know. You caught me off guard." I lie.

"Are you sure?" He asks, concern lining his voice.

"yeah, it's just, uh, a reflex." I continue to lie.

"A reflex to wh-"

"Miss Lola and Mr Jake! Enough talking. Detention!" The teacher cut us off.

I groan and slam my head on the desk. I can't get detention. Dad will kill me. I have to find a way to get out of this.


I get up, not even looking at Jake, and head to lunch. Jake calls my name, but I have no interest in continuing this conversation. I walk into the crowded hallways, looking down, trying to go unnoticed. 

I bump into a tall guy, with brown hair and look up. Adam. The schools biggest douche and another one of my bullies. Everyone treats him like royalty. I feel my breath hitch in his presence.

"Move out of the way dork." 

"I-sorry." I mumble.

My face flips to the left and I feel a tingle in my cheek. I see black dots, and I realize he slapped me. I feel the tears threatening to fall down my cheeks and I back up. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2018 ⏰

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