Turf (Ishimaru)

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It was just another day at Hope's Peak Academy. 

Emiko walked alongside her good friends Sakura and Hina, the three girls planning on what they would be doing with the rest of their free time before after school activities started. As third years, they had their lay of the land and while their good reputation proceeded them, their prestige spoke for them as well giving them the authority to do whatever they wanted.

Hina beamed at the two girls, going on about a new dessert she had discovered; some varient of a donut. As the hyperactive girl went on about her treat, Sakura and Emiko just chuckled nervously, marvelling aloud at how the girl could keep her figure.

"Hey Emiko-chan, hasn't Kuwata-san been giving you a hard time lately?" Hina changed the topic once they arrived at Emiko's locker. Emiko rolled her eyes, tucking into her locker in an attempt to hide herself while she gathered her gear for swimming. Some of her heavy medical textbooks threatened to tumble from their neat but oversized stack on the top shelf. She managed to keep it under control, though.

Sakura perked up at this exclaim, glancing towards an irritated Emiko.

"Has he been? Shall I take care of him for you?"

Emiko shook her head, stiffling a laugh.

"Nah, don't worry about it, Sakura-chan. Kuwata-san just thinks that he stands a fraction of a chance with me."

As some first year students buzzed in the hallway around the three, the girls giggled knowingly together.

"Besides, with the way you and Kiyotaka-san are, he shouldn't waste his breath!" Hina went on.

Emiko hiked her bag farther up her shoulder, closing the locker door with a soft click. Without warning, the outspoken male they had been previously bashing appeared, leaning next to her locker.

"Speak of the devil." Hina scoffed under her breath, earning another giggle from her two friends. Behind the group, Makoto and Kyoko had been passing by and ready to approach, and the girls could hear the snorting chuckle from Makoto. Kyoko grabbed Makoto by the pectoral and waved at the girls knowingly, veering them in a different direction to avoid the aftermath.

 Leon ignored Hina's comment, instead focusing his attention on the brunette girl.

"Afternoon, Fujioka-san. Thought you might wanna come down to the library with me---I don't have a library card...but I thought I could check you out instead." The redhead winked at the girl who wasn't even glancing in his direction. Emiko simply groaned aloud, turning on her heel to start walking away with her friends. Sakura smiled, shaking her head at his futile attempts. Hina made a face, an incredulous gasp dropping from her lips. 

"Unfortunately, Kuwata-san, I've already made plans with my good friends here. Besides, I've already told you that I'm happily taken."

"She means to tell you to buzz off." Sakura added casually in her gruff voice. Hina struggled to contain the loud cackle from her mouth. The three girls continued to venture down the second floor hall, late afternoon sunlight warming the halls from the oversized windows.

Leon caught up with the three, smoothly recovering from his previous falter after the slight blow to his pride. His smirk was back, glancing at Emiko's face from a spot next to her.

"Yes, you say that, but I've never seen you on someone's arm...you know, I'm giving you a once in a lifetime offer here..."

"Hmm, yet you've offered the same thing a few million times already." She replied sarcastically, standing outside the female locker room to the pool. Emiko waved for her friends to continue on without her. They glanced at her skeptically before entering the locker room without her. 

"Listen Kuwata-san---I'm serious. I've been in a committed relationship for a while now. Your efforts are better served elsewhere."

Leon stared for a moment, giving Emiko the hope that he finally understood her words.

Unfortunately, he grinned next, and wrapped an arm around her.

"Don't worry baby, I gotcha. Let's talk this over at the cafe." 

The male began to lead her away from the locker rooms. Emiko furrowed her brows, about to argue once more to Leon and his stubborn, arrogant behaviour. However, someone a lot more convinced appeared to do so instead.


An annoyed look passed over Leon's features at the sound of the perfect hall monitor's booming voice. Emiko's expression was one of pure relief and...adoration?

At the sound of Taka's voice, half of the students in the hall scattered while the other half stayed to watch the shit hit the fan, eagerly. Some students practically dodge rolled out of Ishimaru's way as he approached the pair with his confident stride. There was something in his ruby eyes...and Emiko knew that to be a look of jealousy and mild fury. 

Ishimaru stood in front of the two, his intimidating gaze boring into the baseball star. Leon wasn't fazed.

"Listen, Kiyotaka-san...why don't you just---"


Ishimaru didn't even have to whisper a word.

The prefect pinched the arm Leon had draped over Emiko in almost cautious disgust, before tossing the arm off of her. Before the now fired up Leon could protest, Ishimaru wrapped a firm arm around his girlfriend's waist, giving her a visual squeeze for good measure. As he guided her back towards the lockers, his gaze remained trained on Leon---who was dumbstruck. 

"Should you not be attending the meeting for the music club? I will not accept any student being tardy. A warning, then." His voice was ice cold, although it kept the same resonance that the male usually kept.

Emiko adjusted comfortably into her boyfriend's arm, a small smile on her lips despite her obvious shock as the two turned away from the scurrying Leon. 

She never expected her prefect to act so boldly against PDA rules.

When she glanced up at his expression, she could see a little bit of a twitch, no doubt holding back his morals against PDA.

But he would always come to her rescue, regardless. After all, in the words of his bro, Mondo Oowari---

No one steps on my turf.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2020 ⏰

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