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It was mid-December when I first encountered the man. It was a snowy day and I had been shopping for groceries when I saw him. He was beautiful and stared at the bags of coffee beans in child-like wonder. He had hair gifted from the moon and eyes that shone like amethysts. After a few moments of curiosity, I dismissed it and continued my round around the grocery store, occasionally putting things in my rolling cart. However, when I realized I forgot the green tea, I rushed to the isle that I had been in when I first got there. To my surprise, the beautiful man was still staring at the many coffee beans.

"E-Excuse me sir. I noticed that you had been looking at the bags for a while. Do you need help?"

His purple eyes focused on me and I thought I saw them flash magenta in the light. He frowned and pointed at the many arrangement of bags as if they were evil. "I like coffee. My cook usually buys my groceries for me, however, he had to leave for business and I ran out of beans. This is my first time coming to a grocery store on my own and I am not familiar with what bag my beans came in. Which bag would you recommend?"

I noticed that I could only stare at one part of his face for a couple seconds before having to shift my focus elsewhere. "I-It depends on what taste you have. That t-top bag there is a bit fruity and the bag on the third row is a bit more b-bitter." I shifted my legs back and forth from his intense stare. He stared at me for what seemed like forever before grabbing the bag on the third row.

"I am Usami Akihiko. It is my utmost pleasure to meet you." He shifted the bag of beans in one arm and offered out the other to me in a hand shake. I put my small hand in his and gasped at the coldness that brought goosebumps up my arm. I looked up at him and focused in on the sharp canines that showed with his smile.

"T-The pleasure is m-mine Usagi-san." My blood froze at the slip and unintended disrespect. I ripped my hand from his and bowed at the waist. "I-I am sorry I meant Usami-san." I heard a deep chuckle that sent chills down my throat and felt a heavy hand rest on my head.

"It is quite alright. I don't mind. In fact, I think I insist you call me that Misaki."

He walked past me with his single bag of coffee beans and that was when I noticed.

I never gave him my name.

It had been almost 3 years and 8 months since I had last seen him. However, I always thought of him and wondered how he knew my name. I often day-dreamed about bumping into him again and perhaps, he'd even tell me about whether he had liked the coffee or not.

That sounded weird, does it not? I told myself many times that I had an unhealthy obsession with the pale god-like man. However, my mind always ran back to him. I knew there was negative chance that he thought anything of me beyond that encounter. Perhaps, he was a friend of Nii-san and that was how he knew my name. Or he was a student at the same university as me. It was possible, the college I attended accepts older students as well. Either way, I told myself, He won't think anything of me after that day no matter how much I thought of him.

I was walking on my way home from dinner with Nii-san on my birthday when I was pulled into an ally. It had happened so quick that I could not clearly see who had assaulted me until my body was thrown against the adjacent brick wall. It was a man with short brunette hair that framed the glasses on his face. "So.. the scum was right, you're back. No matter, I can fix this quickly." I heard the man scoff before he wrapped a hand around my throat. "It was nice seeing you again Misaki, however, I can't let you ruin my brother once again. You are too weak to be around those like us."

Before I could plead for my life, his hand plunged through my abdomen and I felt blood rush up my throat. I tried to draw another breath but could not as blood kept filling my throat until it came out of my mouth in a slow steady stream. "W-Why?" Blood spilled out of my mouth and down my chin. Before he could answer, a fast flash ripped him away from my body. Taking my support and the arm out of my abdominal cavity. I fell a bloody and messy heap on the cold concrete.

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