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twasnt a bird or sign of happiness when he was born. dark clouds the colour of tragedy surrounded his mother as she entered a horrific night long labor.

There wasn't one in sight to calm and soothe mother as she endured hours of pain. There generally would be, with a vet on hand, the owner and assigned stable hand. Not in this weather. Mother was a large, athletic horse standing taller than seventeen hands. She portrayed an intimidating presence towards the apprentice employees. it wasnt an easy pregancy either for her,  full of colic episodes,  false labors and her difficulty to maintain weight often caused worry and grief in her loving owners eyes.She squealed in pain and as the storm threw out its most threatening forces,  a fragile black colt was born. His mother laid, out of air and  motivation while her newborn took in his first breath of the fresh green grass and smell of rain.

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