Who's Side Will You Choose?

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"Y/N come on we have to go!" Ink shouted to you. Another day and another fight with the bad guys. You all were struggling to fight Nightmare, Cross, Horror, Killer Sans, and Error. Even though you had Ink, Dream, Blue, Classic Sans, and Geno on the good side you were losing....BIG time losing. Everyone had already gone through the portal and it was just you left with Ink.

"We will find you again Y/N and you will come over to the bad side." Nightmare smirked as you ran through the portal. 

"You are ok right Y/N?" Geno asked you. You nodded your head yes. 

"So what's the plan now Ink?" Dream asked Ink. 

"Don't know..." Ink replied and walked off. He seemed upset but you decided to let him have his space. Blue put a hand on your shoulder and you couldn't help but put your head on his chest.

"Don't worry Y/N we won't let those guys hurt you." Blue reassured you. You wanted to believe in Blue but you couldn't help but feel that it wan't true. "Come on let's go get some sleep so we can have full energy to fight tomorrow." Blue said as everyone headed for their rooms. In the middle of the night you felt a hand cover you mouth and you woke up to find Cross. He put a finger up to his mouth to show you to be quiet. You nodded your head yes and he took his hand away. 

"What do you want Cross?" You asked as you sat cris-cross on your bed.

"I want you to join the bad side with me and the others. I mean it's better than this little loser group." Cross remarked. You secretly had a crush on Cross and thought about his offer.  "So what's it gonna be Y/N?" Cross asked you.

If you choose to join the bad side go to Chapter 2:The End Of The Good Side

If you choose to stay on the good side go straight to Chapter 3: Ending The Bad Side

Which Side Will You Chose? (Cross x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now