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Heres how we start our new chapter

Heres how we start our new chapter

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Khonjin's pov

"Why does gino do this to me!?" i yelled as i slam my door open and back behind me as i go outside,I just got off the phone with gino ya' know to get some good ol' pep-pep-pep-pepperoni pizza but was told "no" once again like always. But this time i.will.not be told "No" ever again i mean,who the hell does he think he is?! Gino fratelli?! ....Oh wait

"Fine,ok,sure.So what if he is gino fratelli but whatever happened to "the customer is ALWAYS right" thing? its not my fault if he killed his wife and children,i mean come on! that was months ago too and he's still bitching about that event...wow i'm turning really salty today,sheesh" i said as i saw a rock that had a picture of "the Rock" dwayne johson's face on it,i gasped "The rock dwayne johnson!? holy shit i've watched all of your movies,well not really cuz' one of them sucked but ya' know you're still cool,we cool right dwayne?" i said as i raised my hand to get a high five,all the rock did was nothing...fucking nothing "Yo' dwayne? you ok there,you're...leaving me hanging here bud" At this point my arm got tired and i just glared at it

"Wow rude! is this what you do to your fans rock dwayne jhonson? Just leaving a brother hanging?" I'll say it again,he did absulotly nothing And at this point i started to get pissed "OH SO THATS HOW IT IS NOW,EH?!" I said as i shouted "WELL,TAKE THIS!!" as i said that i kicked the rock flipping it over,wow i may actually feel some regret...oh who am i kidding,i don't feel shit for that jerk now,then suddenly the rock was moving

"...What the hell?! did anyone see that?!" I looked around to see if anyone saw what just happened,but realized what i did and covered my 'mouth', i didn't want to get caught for kicking "the rock" dwayne johnson

The rock moved even more this time,then floated upwards,i froze not knowing what to do and tried backing away but it followed me as i was moving

"Woah,ok,look i'm sorry for kicking you,no hard feelings now right?We cool?" I said backing away a bit but then it went behind me,i quickly turned around afraid what he might do now and backed away from where the rock was,right where the rock was..the hole

As i backed away even more i fell over,so close in fact that i was on the edge of the unknown hole area,grasping on for dear life "Please dwayne johnson,i'll do anything so that you can forgive me!"

"...Anything?.." Said the rock..er..sorry..dwayne "rock" johnson

One of my arms let go of the edge cuz' of how tired i was from having my hand up to get a high-five"Fuckin-Yes anything,anything you want!"

The rock got close to my face and said "...Then perish " and hit my hand until i fell

"eUGHHHHHHH!!! FUCK YOU ROCK JOHNSON!!!!" i screamed  


Someone else's POV

"Ugh,why the hell is everything so wet?!" i said as i yelled from the ground,i remember what happened but i can't remember what happened at the end of our little 'fight' it felt like i was in the middle of some cold ass room that felt like i was stuck in there for the rest of my life,but,i'm out now i just gotta find a way to get out of here and find a way to get my powers back...somehow.I crawled from the ground and found my hat and dried it off and placed it on my head

"Ugh,my head and body is freezing and it hurts" i groaned and laid down to think of a plan to get out of this void..or wherever i was


 "eugh!" i heard very faint in the distance 

"What was that?" i asked myself but only brushed it off as if it was nothing

"eUGH!!" Another odd scream can be heard now getting closer,now i was just confused

I sat up trying to see where that stupid scream was coming from,that was when i looked up



...Face first



My fucking crotch 


Khonjin's POV

"I landed...i landed on...something,ow my face"  i thought to myself,i sat straight up to rub my face,it really fucking hurts but not more than my nose..speaking of my nose,it was bleeding it also felt a little out of place,i used both of my hands and snapped it back into place and man did it hurt like hell but i'll live i've had worse 

"sON OF A BITCH!!!"  

Woah,who said that? cuz' whoever pissed that guy off i'm glad i'm not him right now, he sounds like he would rip someone's face off...and eat it..like a pizza.My vision for me was only blurry and everything was kinda...spinning.

At this moment i was getting ticked off cuz' of this guy's cursing n' swearing besides,i was getting a head ache

"Ugh,Hey! Can you please shut up?! oh,Now i'm falling this way" I said trying to keep my balance but failed miserably and fell on my stomach

I tiredly looked up trying to adjust my vision of what i'm looking at,until things got clear i could finally see again! But when everything got clear i saw...No,hes dead! isn't he??





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