1- The dinner-party, and invite.

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Thursday 29th March-

I was reading a book, the fault in our stars to be exact. Oli was recording a youtube video, so I wasn't going to annoy him.

As I started getting more comfortable, the sound of the doorbell interrupted me.


Putting the book down, I stand up, and walk to the door. As soon as I open it, I notice some strange, unfamiliar woman. She was wearing olden day type clothes.

"Is this the residence of Oli and Elizabeth White?".

"Yeah.". The woman suddenly pulls out telegrams, and hands them to me.

"Uh, what is...". But she simply walks off.

"Well, that was weird.". Pushing open the door, I walk back inside, and kick it shut with my foot.

On the front of both telegrams are mine, and Oli's name, written neatly.

"Who even was she?". Walking back over to the couch, and sitting down.

Putting Oli's telegram on the table, I take mine. Running my finger along the front, I  open the flaps up, and turn it over.(Wow, that's very descriptive).

I start reading it.

To my esteemed friends,

I have acquired an illustrious estate through the death of a distant relative who I've never met. I thought it only be fitting that I invite you all to attend a dinner party on its grounds. It will certainly be a night to remember. However the estate is quite peculiar. It only exits in the year 1920. To enter its grounds you must be dressed entirely with clothing of that era. If you are carrying anything from the modern world, the house will simply never appear for you. And not only your clothing, but your attitude must reflect the time. I have included your unique characteristics on the back of this invitation. My driver will pick you up and take you on a road that can only be driven by his mysterious time traveling automobile. Then almost like magic, the place will appear.

And at the bottom is Joey Graceffa's signature.

"Woah, this is interesting.". As soon as I finish saying this, Oli walks out of the room.

He raises an eyebrow at the sight of the telegram.

"What's that Eliza?".

"Oh..". Standing up, and grabbing the telegram

"This strange woman, dressed in olden day clothes, came to the house. She asked 'Is this the residence of Oli and Elizabeth White?' so I said yes. Then she gave me these telegrams, and walked off.". Then handing Oli's his.

"What is it about?". Opening the flaps, and turning over the telegram. He began reading it.

"...apparently we are invited to a dinner party Joey is hosting. At this estate he aquired from a distant relative he never met.". Oli nodded.

I stood there, waiting, until he finished reading.

Oli looked at me.

"Is that even possible? What Joey wrote about it only exsisting in the 1920s?". I shrugged.

"Maybe he wrote that because it will make it more interesting."

"Yeah, guess you're right.". Putting the telegram down on the table, I turn back to Oli.

"...we should probably go and-.". The sound of the doorbell, again, interrupts me.

Walking to the door, I cautiously open it.

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