
14 1 0

All I saw was red
Tried to stop it

It started to stain
Running down my arm like a river
Footsteps pouring towards me
Screams heard from miles away but still silent
Time slowed down

The delicious red bloodstream

Puddle on the ground
Stained steel


Lights surrounds and sounds too

Bright, Blinding lights
Dull pain


Worried familiar faces
Time and time again
Well know places

Day to Day
Week to Week
Month to Month

     This is the moment when you finally feel the pain. The pain of not just scars but the pain of the people around you. The pain of your scars, the pain of the world.

     Then you see faces full of pity, which only makes you feel worse. Wishing you were gone. Wishing your plan succeeded. Just wishing.

   Then finally you feel somewhat curious . Why didn't it work? Why did they save me? Would they really miss me? Who will help me? Who's true?

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