Last time:
Draco has logged outHarry has logged out
Ron has logged out
'Mione has logged out
Dumbeldore: Snape my office nowSnape has logged off
Dumbeldore has logged off
In his office:
{Dumbeldore's pov}
There was a *knock* on the door for my office so of course being the polite head master I am I say " you may come in" so Snape walked in as expected so we both sit down then Snape said " why am I hear" so of course I answer and say "we are hear to discuss what we are going to do with your swearing" so Snape then said "fuck this shit I'm out" and he walks out but because I am very kind I don't walk after him because there is a punishment for everything and the punishment for this is next time he texts me I won't text back and that really makes him angry
A/N: sorry if this is short but it is all I can write at the moment and as I said yesterday I won't be able to upload any story's unless I have WiFi sorry I want to upload but depending on WiFi I might not be able to upload