Brothers Of Poseidon

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The three gratest sons of Poseidon were Theseus, Orion and Percy. All of them betrayed by the person that they loved the most. Theseus had his hart broken by Athena when she said that she could not be with him because he was mortal when the real reason was that she was jeaulos of him because of his inteligence and ability to make great stratergies. Orion was killed by Artemis when she shot him because she belived that he was a rapist, Apollo had told her that he was but the problem was that Apollo thaought that Orion was someone else. He thought that he really was the rapist that he was searching for. Artemis had belived her brother and shot without questioning him, leading to Poseidon´s wrath upon her for decades. And Percy had his hart broken by Annabeth when she choose godhood over him after he had declined it twice for her. She had without hesitation said that she exepted and Percy had ran out of the throne room in sadness. Poseidon had ran after him and glared at Annabeth with pure hatred in his eyes. 

Neither Zeus or Hades tried to stop their brother when he ran after his son. They both looked at Annabeth in surprise and a bit of anger. Zeus knew that he offered godhood but he thought that she would deny it if Percy did. They finished making the others gods and ran after Poseidon only to see him standing frozen at the edge of Olympus. They both walked to his side and what they saw shocked them. Percy had a sword right through his hart. But it was not his own sword. This sword was compleatly black with a silver handle. Poseidon was frozen in shock for about 10 seconds more before he fell to the ground and began to sob. Zeus and Hades quickly set down beside him and pulled him into a hug. The other Olympians and new gods/goddesses came and saw Percy´s body and they were stunned. 

Annabeth stepped forward but Poseidon growled at her, the side of him that only came out when he was truly furious showing. Annabeth stepped away with all other gods but Zeus and Hades. Hades stared at Percy´s body and then he looked at Poseidon and wrapped an arm around him. Zeus did the same from his other side and they began to rock him while Hades sung a Greek lullaby that he often sung to Poseidon when they were trapped in Kronos stomache. Poseidon slowly calmed down and leaned against his brother and passed out from the saddness of loosing his only demigod son.

Percy woke up in front of a beutiful gate made out of Olympian Gold. Percy knew out of instinct that it was The Isle Of The Blessed. The gate opened and two boys were standing there looking at Percy. They looked just like him, just like Poseidon. The two boys walked forward and stopped in front of Percy. Now Percy understood. Reborn and being a hero three times. First Theseus, then Orion and last Percy. Theseus had tried for rebirth and had become Orion, when Orion died he tried for rebirth and became Percy. Now all of them dead they had access to The Isle Of The Blessed. Theseus  reached his hand out.

"Come on little brother" He said and Percy took his hand and Theseus helped him up.

Together they walked to the gate and into The Isle Of The Blessed. The place all heros want to end up someday. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2014 ⏰

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