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1. Call a random number and say "this is jake from statefarm".

2. Act like a cat all day

3. Try to shallow ur own tongue

4. stare at the back at someone's head untill they notice

5 . Read A Story On Wattpad..Wait You Are

6. Make Your Own Story

7. Make Your Own Theme Song And Sing It

8. Make Up A Dance And Pratice It

9. Pretend Your Famous

10. Do this ( 67 x 59 -3 + 7 + 3 x 8 )

11. Eat (like Niall)

12. Poke Random People

13. Go around saying its ur birthday :D

14. Dont notice your blinking

15. Try not to think about Carrots

16. Say "hi bob" to random people

17. Sleep

18. Sing

19. Try to get a new style

20. Act Like A Duck

21. Go Around Asking For A Carrot

22. Make a Beat

23. Do gymastices

24. Dont talk for 2 hours

25. Spin Around and get dizzy

26. Make A List Of Reasons of why your awesome

27. Change Your Name

28. Make Nicknames For Ur Friends

29. Fangirl over One Direction And 5sos

30. Go On Youtube

31. Watch YouTube

32. Act like a white girl

33. Say Its Oppsite Day

34. Scare a Family Member

35. do nothing and stare at a wall

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