chapter 1: morty alive again!

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narrator: hello again audience, as you may recall in the previous story Morty got killed by his evil self and the real Santa got his leg ripped open. Well now the real Santa is  ok now, but needs a crutch to walk and rick brought good Morty back to life, how you ask? Well your about to find out as we see them in rick Sanchez's garage!

*In rick Sanchez's garage…*

Morty: what the hell rick!?! H-h-how am i a-alive?

rick Sanchez: its simple *burps* Morty i took  a sample of  your dead body and cloned *burps* you. I cloned ya mor*burps*ty!

Morty: so you missed me? *smugly smiles*

Rick Sanchez: no  *burps* ya moron, i just couldn't stand  you being dea*burps*d!

Morty: a-admit it rick y-you missed me.

Rick Sanchez: sure, go ahead and *burps* believe whatever your little walnut brain wants to believe!

*Opens a portal*

Morty: um, r-rick who's that?

Deadpool: hi I'm deadpool.

Rick Sanchez: whoops, wrong *burps* dimension! *closes the portal*

*Opens a new portal*

Rick Sanchez: prepare to have your *burps* little walnut mind blown Morty!

Morty: w-why rick w-where are we going?

Rick Sanchez: we're going to dimension *burps* 46'\!!!!

*they enter the portal*

(End of chapter one).

rick and morty: Dimension 46'\Where stories live. Discover now