Tragedy to Love

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"SAMANTHA, GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!" I heard my mother yell as I walked down the street with my bags in hand. "YOU WILL REGRET THIS! YOU WILL BE BACK HERE IN NO TIME, that's if you survive." I froze in my steps. My brain was telling me to keep walking but my heart was telling me to look back. Did my mother really just say that to me? I turned around and in complete anger screamed "I hate you!" right to my mother. I saw her face go pale before I turned, picked up my bags and ran. What had I just done? I am a 18 year old girl, who now is on her own, out in the big city of London. I fear my future and regret my past. I had been waiting for this day to come, where I could leave home. It was 18th birthday so legally I could do what I damn please. I have no idea how I will make it but I am sure I will figure it out. I have always been independent being that I grew up without a father and a mother who was a workaholic. I had been saving my money since I was about 12, and had always had a job and a well-paying one at that. I had managed to save over $100,000 and would have to spend it wisely. That is until I can get my feet on the ground again. I know that's a lot of money, I have worked about what felt like a billion jobs to get this. Always working at the corner store or helping neighbors with yard work. I had an older brother who was useless; he did nothing I was the one doing all the dirty work. I despise that boy, or should I say man. He is five years older than me. He is 23 and for doing nothing he has turned out pretty good. He is engaged to a super model, lives in a mansion, and works with boy bands and stuff. And apparently he is pretty close to Simon Cowell. He walked out on me and my mom when he was 18. Haven't heard from him since, but his friends keep my mom up to date with everything going on. My mother has waited over 4 months for a wedding invitation, and has gotten nothing. What an ass. As far as I now he could be dead but I could care less.

It was getting dark and I needed a place to stay. I saw a big hotel with bright lights and decided to see if they had any available rooms. I walked in to see a man sitting at the front desk, he was quite tall with hazel eyes and blonde hair, and he wasn't bad looking let me add. "Hello miss, may I help you?" He said with a rather smooth tone. "Uh yeah, I need a place to stay for a few nights would you happen to have a room for me?" My voice sounded nervous, I guess because I didn't want him to say no. "Ah let me check, I am sure we have something for a lovely young woman." He smiled at me. I couldn't help but to blush. " How long would you like to stay?" he looked at me. "How about a week?" I had no other place to go so why not? "Ah yes, room 23 floor eleven." He gave me a smirk as I handed him my debit card, when he said the price my jaw dropped. Not in a bad way though! Only $50 a night! I couldn't believe it. He took my bags and handed me the room key. "Here you go and the bell boy will bring those up to your room shortly." "I can bring that up." I said reaching for my bags. "No that's fine; after all it is his job." He lets out a small giggle. "Have a goodnight now." He turns and walks away.

I was walking to the elevator when I notice a huge and beautiful fountain. I stop to look and see that there are fish in there. I can't help it to kneel down and make a fishy face at the fishes coming up to the water's surface. My inner child comes out and before I know it I'm cracking myself up. I hear a deep voice come up behind me and say "Are you having fun?" with a little laugh at the end. I stand up and with my face red with embarrassment I turn around only to be met by big green sparkling eyes.

 Hey guys! I hope you like it! Kinda crappy chapter. But it'll get better! Review!

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