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"Well (y/n) I should go now, thank you for practicing with me." The boy said, and walked away. "Oz wait!!" I screamed after him. The blond boy turned around. "Hm what is it?" "You'll come again, will you?" I asked. "Of cures! Don't worry I'll visit you like always." "Hu?" I saw something wired in the tree above our heads. "What is this plant? It is winter and it' s green?" I asked. "hm ? Looks like a mistletoe. "Oz answered. "This is a mistletoe, I never saw it?" I asked in shook. "Hu? What is so special about it?" The boy asked. "What you don't know about that, tradition?" "No, what is it?" At this question, I blushed "No!!! I can't! Not jet.... I'll tell you another time." I muttered and tried to go away. " Hey tell me. I want to know." He pulled me back by the arm, so I didn't came an inch further. "aaa. It is said when a girl and a boy are standing under a mistletoe they have to kiss." I whispered in embarrassment. Oz slightly blushed as he heard my answer. "So am... You want one?" He asked. "N-no!!!" I didn't thought that he would react like that. "But you told me about this tradition, so you wanted a kiss, other way you would have kept quiet." Dam it Oz is so stubborn "I could not know that this is and mistletoe. And I thought you'd know about it's tradition." I shoot back. "Well you told me, so I'll do it." The boy said, his face coming closer. "Hey wai..." before I could do something against it his lips sealed mine. I opened my eyes wide in shook. And my heart beat like hell. Since one year I had a crush on this slyly cute Oz Vessalius . And now he is kissing me under a mistletoe. He pulled away to son. But this warm feeling from his lips remained. His emerald green eyes looked down at me as he smiled. "Is there a rule how long you have to kiss? Was this long enough? " "Far to long!!." I said crossly. Oz only giggled "Look you wanted me to kiss you. You always have this expression when you got something you wanted." "hey that is not truth!!" I can't confess my feelings for him. He is the son of a duke. We will never be able to be together, since I'm only a normally girl. "I thought all girls like being kissed" he grinned. "I'm not a normal girl, you know that!!" I shouted. "You're right your not a normal girl, you're my friend. You like being kissed, but only by me." He said. "You're a dirty Casanova you know!" I shouted. "I know. But isn't that the reason because you like me?" He grind wile began walking away. "See ya next time (d/n)." he shouted and waived. "I'll wait for ya. Oz Vessalius" I whispered.

Oz Vessalius x reader  one-shotWhere stories live. Discover now