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You met grayson at a meet and greet and your now together how ever you both still have to go to that same shit school
Your name is ella btw you have a brother called rudy

U:prison for another week
R:ha u have to go schooolllll
U:oi piss off bitch
Mum:hey hey calm down
You got changed and druggily walkes to school
There they were the same slags sitting on the wall
Millie was the worst she was a bully
G:hey ella
He kissed you on the cheek
U:hey gray
Millie has had a crush on gray since 5th grade
M:ew cringe
U:millie please dont be jealous ide hate to see your eyes water haha
You seen a smirk grow across graysons face
Millie glared at you and scoffed
G:ignore her baby
U:yeah k
G:k let me walk you to class
1st period was the worst
Ugh drama
U:hey ashley
U:millies being a bitch again
A:oh nothing new
Teacher:okay guys teamup we are going to have a competition
Before you could get to gray millie was already with him
Teacher:sorry hunny looks like grayson has a partner
U:okay ashley lets stay together
It was the end of class
You were talking to ashley
A:dont look now but ummm look
You turned to see grayson and millie kissing
Your heart beated faster and faster so loud even ashley could here it
'How could i have been so stupid to trust him i actually give up'
You ran to ethan and bella
(Ethan and bella were in my last story)
B:whats wrong
You ran to the bathroom
Your eyes were irritating they were red like fucking blood
You sat there , you know you shouldnt do any bad things
You couldnt help it
You started to talk to yourself
U:blades blades blades ugh im such a fool a waste of time i cant do this the love of my life kissed another girl
You finally found one
You cut more and more deeper and deeper
You head started to spin
You felt a burning sensation grow over your arms
You could here your slow heart beat ,
Another cut, another tear
You knew he loved you
You thought 'but who would love a girl who cuts herself'
The pain youve held in for so long is slowly starting to show
You look at your cuts, your burns, yoh bruises you gave yourself  you remind yourself that each one is a batlle that you lost
You did one  cut 2 cut 3cut 4 cuts you cried for a little and you cut some more
You thought to yourself 'its amazing how much long sleeves and a fake smile can hide'
B:oi ella
Et: ill get her

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