The Monster Within

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Suddenly I was running. It seemed to have been what I have been doing for hours. I could hear what was chasing me, inching closer and closer. It was almost on top of me when I tripped on something and fell. I turned to see the monster pounce on me. I clenched my eyes shut. I could feel its hot breath on my face. It neared closer and closer.

Then, soft lips met mine. I opened my eyes in surprise. Laying on top of me was a teenage boy about my age. He lifted his lips off of mine and growled.


I instantly sat up in bed, breathing short. I reached my hands up to rub the sleep from my eyes.

"Not that dream again." I mumbled to myself.

This dream had been happening ever since you moved here, Baketon, Michigan. It was a tiny town almost completely surrounded by forest. We had an elementary school, a middle school, and a high school. It had a Walmart, a gas station, a post office, and a huge array of different family run stores. It was a huge change from living in L.A. My dad had gotten a job offer in the next town over which was a lot bigger than Baketon. We, for some reason, decided to live here.

My alarm clock then started to beep letting me know I needed to get ready for school. I lazily got out of bed and started looking through my closet.

"Nope. Nope. Nope. Why do I eve have this? Nope. Perfect!" I said going through my clothes. I pulled out my favorite flannel shirt. It was red, purple, pink, and white plaid with the sleeves rolled up my forearms. I grabbed a purple shirt to go on underneath it. I the pulled out my favorite pair of shorts. It was the last day of my junior year. I was going to wear what I want.

I gathered my clothes in my arms and rushed into the bathroom before my older sister could claim it. I saw here coming down the hall and I slammed the door in her face.

"Muhhaha!" I laughed taunting her.

"How dare you get the shower before me, Sarah!" she yelled. "And on the last day, you are digging your own grave."

I hopped in the shower and got all clean, then got out and blow dried my hair and added slight curls to my reddish brown hair. I brushed my teeth and added a bit of makeup to my features. I then opened the door triumphantly.

"Beat that time, Rachel!" I taunted my sister. "27 minutes!"

She rolled her eyes and pushed past me into the bathroom. I then walked downstairs to make myself some scrambled eggs. My dad was already at work, while my mom came downstairs in a messy bun and was in a bathrobe. She reached for a mug to pour her coffee in.

My mom was an author. She wrote any genre you could name. Sci-Fi, mystery, steamy romance, children's, and nonfiction. She was currently writing a realistic fiction about a girl trying to escape a small town and falls in love and decides that it isn't that bad in a small town. She has won dozens of awards for her writing, but none of the people ever saw her when she was trying to finish a book. She would stay up all night, and would say random things in the morning. One time Rachel asked for help on a boy issue in the morning when mom was trying to finish But I Love Him. She replied, "I'm not sure, but stay in drugs, eat school, and don't do vegetables, and your problem will sort itself out."

"Hey Hon." she greeted me.

"Hi Mom." I responded focused on eating my breakfast.

"Don't be late for soccer practice." she said walking out of the room. I didn't even play soccer.

I grabbed my bag just as my older sister came into the kitchen.

"Do I look OK for my interview?" she asked.

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