Safe Place

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Richelle's POV:

What have I just done? I've ruined his life as well as mine. If only I could've kept my mouth shut. He didn't need this from me. Not now. Not ever. But especially not now. I'm running after him, but I have no idea what to say. He's going to shut me out. I just know he will. And then, he'll ignore me for the rest of our lives because of this one stupid mistake. I can't lose my best friend. I just can't.

I reach him, but he's already gone. He's talking to Henry. I don't even care. I walk over there and look at him, pleading him to acknowledge me. As soon as he does, he begins to cry. In the whole time I've known Noah, he has never cried. Henry is even taken aback, eventually leaving with some of the others. I can't help myself. I let him cry into my shoulder. If that's what he needs from me, that's what I'll be. He looks directly at me once he's calmed down a bit and smiles. That smile is the one I fell in love with. The one where he is unsure of himself and it makes me love him even more. Finally, he speaks.
"Look. I know you're right." I sigh. Everything I said was wrong. What kind of a person am I?
"I wasn't. I don't mean any of it. I'm so sorry. I'm a little stressed right now, but enough about me. You're my best friend so tell me, what's wrong?" He breaks down again and I feel so powerless because all I can do is watch. I hug him, but it doesn't feel like enough. He sniffles a little when calming down and tries to explain once more.
"I'm sorry. It's...well, it's my Grandad. He's not well. And I feel like I'm never there. He's going through the hardest time in his life and I'm always dancing. I know my focus hasn't been there, but..." I prompt him a little with my hand because I know he needs it. I don't want to interrupt him so instead I hug him and pat his back. I hope it makes him feel better.
"He's not getting better." Those four words break my heart. I know how much Noah loves his Grandad. He always has. Right from when we met, he's always told me how much he admires his Grandad. Apparently, he was a singer in a band as a teen, but it never took off. This is relatable to Noah, but he doesn't sing much anymore. I wish he would, but he doesn't.

I comfort Noah in the middle of the hallway until Emily finds us.
"Sorry, but you have to go home. We're locking up for the night." I nod, and give Noah a hand up. I'm definitely arranging a day off for us both. It might be the first time I meet Noah's Grandad, and probably the last, but I'm intrigued by him. I need to know why exactly he's such an inspiration. I tell Noah to go ahead to my Mom's car, which he does, and then I confess to Emily what's going on.

"And I feel like a terrible person so I need to do this for Noah and his poorly Grandad. Please Emily. Can we have one day off? We'll even rehearse in the hospital waiting room if that's what it takes." I'm rambling quickly, hoping all of this makes sense. Emily's known me long enough. She should know how I get when I need to say something. She just laughs at me and says it's okay. She also jokes about the waiting room. I need Noah to know how much I care about him. This will be my way of showing it.

Whilst I'm in the car, I let my Mom know I've got a day off.
"So have you, Noah. We're going to see your Grandad. I listened earlier. I want to help." He takes my hand, squeezes it and tells me what a wonderful best friend I am. There's a pit in my stomach with those two words forming on his lips. Can't he see we're meant to be together? What else do I have to do?


Going to the hospital with Noah is one of the most heartbreaking things. This means a lot to him so it means a lot to me too. He's grabbed my hand again and squeezed it like he does, but this time he doesn't let go. I smile at him and remind him I'm here. I want him to find comfort in those words and by the look on his face, he's relaxed a little. I'm definitely proud of myself. However, I'm also dreading this. Emotional Noah is rare, but I don't know if he trusts me to see him like that all day. Hopefully he does.

We wait in the hospital waiting room for what feels like years before his Mom lets us in. To my surprise, she lets us both in.
"He needs you." She whispers in my ear and I'm not sure who, but considering Noah's still clutching my hand, I assume it's him. We walk in to see an old man with wires all over him. This breaks my heart into shatters.
"Grandad! It's me, Noah." He speaks softly and gently. The old man nods as if he understands.
"And this is your girlfriend." I'm about to object when Noah pulls me into him and confirms what his Grandad said. I decide to play along.
"I'm so happy for you both. I always knew you two were destined for each other. I haven't forgot about you, Richelle." That freaks me out a little, but if anyone notices, they don't say. I thought Noah and I were meant to be and apparently so did his favourite man on Earth. I don't want to take this too seriously, but what does that mean for us?

We come out and Noah still has my hand. I feel a bit claustrophobic so we go outside where the annoying voice is reminding us that we're not allowed to smoke on this building site. I shout that we're underage because I think Noah likes when I act childish. He laughs. That's the first genuine laugh I have heard from him since the beginning of this year. And it was me who caused him.
"I hope you don't mind me saying we're together." So I am getting an explanation.
"It's just, my Grandad, he said he'd die a happy man if he knew we were together and I couldn't resist." It's just not the one I wanted.
"Well, that and I've been meaning to tell you something. Richelle, I want to spend my life with you. You're the only girl in the world." After which, he spontaneously bursts into song which makes me smile and laugh brightly. I can't believe this. I did get the explanation and it was better than I'd ever imagined it to be.
"So what do you say?" I think he knows already, but just to assure him I tell him everything I've never said.
"Yes. I love you, Noah. And I forever will. Now let's go. We're going to go to your Grandad and spend the rest of his life with him." He flinches and I feel so bad. I try to rearrange my words, but all that comes out is "I love you?" He smiles and brings me into a hug. Then he begins to lean in. The butterflies are now flying and nothing feels better. For I am kissing Noah and childhood me could not be happier.

We watch as his Grandad passes on peacefully. His last words reminding us to always risk our lives for love. Well, kind of.
"I will be with you all forever in everything you do. I am your angel. I love you all. It's my time to go. Take good care of yourselves. Goodnight." He then went to sleep. Permanently. Everyone, including me, cried. Apart from Noah's six year old cousin who was 'staying strong for us all.' How a six year old can know what that means is mind baffling, but I let that go. I look at Noah, who is sobbing, but he calms when he sees me. I am his safe place.
"We'll get through this, Noah. I promise. I'm with you every step of the journey." He looks at me, nods and then finds his voice.
"We will. You don't know how lucky I am to have you in my life. I'm so thankful for you, beautiful. You know that." After he says this, he kisses my forehead and I know that we will get through this together. Because we are each other's safe place and nothing can change that.

A/N: My second Nochelle oneshot! This is a New Year's present to you all.

Also, may as well announce it right now: I'm writing a whole Nochelle fanfiction so be prepared to see that in the future! I've got about 8 chapters done and right now, I think I'm going to aim for 20. I hope this will not disappoint you. Please be patient if I don't upload much in the next few weeks as I'm working on this project. I'm so excited!

Safe Place-NochelleWhere stories live. Discover now