The Popular Boy and The Unpopular Girl

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I had a good and bad dream last night. I had broken up with my ex boyfriend because we had a major fight and I thought I didn’t love him anymore so why lead him on and have him get hurt further. Well, the next day this cute guy named mike had gotten in a car crash because of the weather which was a blizzard. I went to go check and see if the person in the car was ok. And mike was pretty hurt, so I got him out of the car and brought him into the house. After while, he woke up and started to talk to me and I said to me that he needed to save his energy. Then, after awhile he fell back asleep. This was the guy that I had seen throughout school and that I had a crush on throughout the entire year. He looked so cute when he was sleeping throughout the night. I had stayed up the entire night just so I knew that he was ok and didn’t go into a coma from him hitting his head when he crashed his car. I wish that he was mine and nobody else’s but I doubt he would go for a girl like me anyway. He probably wanted some hot girl that could give him things I couldn’t right away. I’m sure he has a girlfriend anyway. When he woke up the next morning it was still snowing pretty heavily and there was non way he could go home let alone the hospital to get checked out. I kind of was worried about him.

          This morning Mike had woken up and seen me. He said, “Did you pull me out of my car and bring me into your house?” I said, “Yes I did. I heard you crash and I pulled my winter stuff on and ran out to your car and pulled you out and saved your life. I took you into my parent’s house and I cleaned you up and made sure you were warm. I stayed up with you all night in case you needed me for something.” I smiled at mike and he smiled back. Mike groaned in pain. I said to Mike, “Are you ok? I can help you up if you need me too.” I was guessing that mike needed to use the bathroom because that’s where he was heading. He started to fall; I quickly ran over to him and caught him before he fell. I said to him, “Let me help you over to the bathroom.” Mike said, “Thanks for helping me and saving me from my car yesterday afternoon. I’m Mike by the way.” Mike flashed me a nice and cute smile. I smiled back at him. I said, “I’m Aimee. Nice to meet you Mike.” Mike went into the bathroom and came out a couple minutes later. I said to him, “Mike, you need to lie back down. I don’t want you getting up if you don’t have. Promise me you will listen to my instructions.” He said, “I will listen to whatever you say because you are the one that is taking care of me until I get better.” I said to him, “Thanks, that is a huge help that you will listen to what I say. Are you tired at all?” He said, “Aimee, im a little tired but I want to get to know the girl that saved my life.”

          I said to Mike, “Did you know that we have made at least eye contact 3-4 times and you haven’t noticed me.” Mike then said to me, “Yes I have noticed you. You seem like a very caring and nice girl to be friends with.”

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